Lanya - "I kept thinking, what if someone attacked my neighbor's girls like that? Or my sons? It got personal, and personal attacks by someone in power are wrong." You would really give someone who throws an insult credibility to their words-the insult, to narrow it down as far as posible? Why?
"Blame anyone but the person responsible, if he's a white male." Oh, please. I don't know whats worse-the "white" or the "male" part of such sentiments.
"Blame the liberals, they're all the owners of those big companies: Geico, Head-On, Bigelow....oh wait, they aren't." Actually the liberals should be blamed for guilt-trip censorship.
BT - Agreed, in re: to charities. He's done entirely too much good, and at a personal level at that; I think those talking of his "hateful" comments fail to realize no heart can be that divided,a nd the only thing he is guilty of was a jackass moment. Given that is lauded in this culture, it shouldn't have been a big deal.
MichaelTee: "Imus attacked them" He didn't attack them. He commented on their appearance, albeit in a harsh manner. They took something that should have been cast aside and-at the behest of their coach, I am sure-martyred themselves so a man could be hung.
"Well, it's obvious you don't give a shit if Imus or anyone else attacks black women. It remains to be seen what would happen if some public figure personally attacked you and yours in such a vile and unjustified way." You know, there were two white girls on the team. As for the latter statement, I wouldn't care. You would be surprised how much dignity there is in not allowing an offense to become one.
"That's ridiculous. He called a mostly black women's team "nappy-headed hos," nappy being an adjective descriptive of African hair and hos being an African-American term for whores. How in the hell did the team instigate that? By being black?"
"Wait a minute. "Nappy" describes male and female African hair; no other kind of hair, so it's a specific reference to Africans and/or African-Americans; "ho" is a specifically African-American slang term for whore. A predominantly white team couldn't be described as nappy-headed and there would be no sense in using an African-American term for whore to describe them when there are plenty on non-racial slang terms for whore in existence. Both words used by Imus aimed at the black community exclusively. They'd have to be morons not to understand that they were insulted for being black."
HAHAHA, whoah! Are you sure it's an adjective to describe african hair? and are you positive that ho's is of an african-american origin? Certainly, you sir have done more to declass that team and and african american women in general with that sentiment than Imus alone could have. Quite pejorative of you, and I'm sure you didn't intend that. And I'd love to know what other words for whore you mean that are "non-racial". Perhaps courtesan? hahahaha! Acortigiana Onesta, rofl!!
Per [n] garment consisting of a folded cloth drawn up between the legs and fastened at the waist; worn by infants to catch excrement [adj] in small tight curls and
Main Entry: 1nap·py
Pronunciation: 'na-pE
Function: noun
Etymology: obsolete nappy, adjective, foaming
chiefly Scottish : LIQUOR; specifically : ALE
Main Entry: 2nappy
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural nappies
Etymology: English dialect nap bowl, from Middle English, from Old English hn[AE]pp; akin to Old High German hnapf bowl
: a rimless shallow open serving dish
Main Entry: 3nappy
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural nappies
Etymology: napkin + 4-y
chiefly British : DIAPER 3
Main Entry: 4nappy
Function: adjective
Inflected Form(s): nap·pi·er; -est
Etymology: 3nap
For further clarification lets look up kinky as well:
Main Entry: kinky
Pronunciation: 'ki[ng]-kE
Function: adjective
Inflected Form(s): kink·i·er; -est
1 : closely twisted or curled
2 : relating to, having, or appealing to unconventional tastes especially in sex; also : sexually deviant
"Good. Now maybe you should try to understand how SICK blacks are of being victimized by racism. Do you really think this is the first time any of the blacks you're talking about have been insulted by racists, or demeaned by racism? They LIVE with it, but you can't even stand to hear their complaints. You really ought to get out of your shell a little more." Oh lord. Everyone who isn't white is a victim; and white men are the ultimate evil, yes. Historically we have always been the ones to blame. No one else, nope, not at all. They only live with their own deflated esteem; that it is projected onto others is irritating. Further, they wield their own outrageous insults-at the Jewish, the hispanic, the korean, etc. Maybe you should try visiting America-at least, more often.
"It certainly seems to have lowered the standards and I'm personally aware of some very negative effects of it, but the overall picture and end result may in fact be a significant lowering of racially-disadvantaged households in America and a general spreading of the American Dream to places where it never had a hope before." Well maybe a new thread sould begin. As long as a company is private, it can do as it damn well pleases-it is not confined to the federally mandated affirmative action. I will never go public with a company(I would hand that burden off by selling it, actually), and most entrepreneurs do the same. But I do admit, thats off topic.
"In all seriousness, Modesty, I can tell you that I was warned by my father at a very young age that the N-word was never, ever, ever to be used anywhere or any time, and that racial insults like "chink" or "nigger" were a sure-fire mark of ignorance and low class." Well, I agree with your father. But it's missing the point. Neither nappy nor ho are 100% black-owned. Imus made a remark that even if he had said "rode hard and put up wet" would still have been villified. I don't agree with improper behaviour in public; but the underlying issue is why what once remained "behind closed doors" is now public? I think the U.S. citizenry would do well with some etiquette classes.
"It's not "human" to be racist and it's not "human" to be insensitive to somebody else's pain. You are really screwed up. Your attitudes are symptomatic of what's wrong with your country. You don't take racism seriously and you don't give a shit about your neighbour's pain as long as you don't have to bear it yourself." It *is* human, however, to bond over negativity. Recent studies-which I cannot locate among my thousands of bookmarked links at the moment-indicate that for the majority of humans, bonding over negative commentary-particularly gossip-is a prevailing social bond. As for "pain"-it is largely of one's own doing. Psychologically harsh, perhaps, but true. No I will not validate racism-prejudices exist, and NO ONE is immune from having them or having them used against them. As well-no, I don't care much about others pain. Why should I ahve to bear their cross when I've had to bear my own? That's a very selfish and childish thing, to expect others to bear your cross.