<<What Imus said was wrong and inappropriate, but it is far from being the end of the world and the re-establishment of Jim Crow. >>
Another planet heard from. Who ever said Imus' comment meant the end of the world and the re-establishment of Jim Crow?
<< Imus's comment did not prevent these women from getting a job. It didn't prevent them from voting, or getting an education. >>
And no one claimed that it did.
<< The fact is that there are always going to be ugly people in the world, people who are crude, mean, ignorant or any combination of the three. >>
Yeah, but they aren't always gonna have a national audience of millions like Imus did.
<<Get over it. It isn't right, but that's the way it is.>>
No it's not the way it is. If you noticed, there is one less racist prick polluting the airwaves today.
<<If you want to change it then you need to prove the people that hold those thoughts wrong. >>
They've already been proven wrong. Again and again. Only a moron would fail to realize that. The task now is to get their asses booted off the MSM.
<< In an ideal world it wouldn't be this way, but this world is far from ideal. >>
We're making it more and more ideal, one racist ass-hole at a time. Today it's Don Imus' turn. Tomorrow, Neil Boortz.
<< You can't have this one-sided social prosecution . . . >>
All prosecutions are one-sided. In case you haven't noticed. When was the last time you saw a prosecutor tell a jury, "Joe Blow is a lying, thieving, conniving, murdering bastard. But, at the same time, he's good to the neighbourhood kids, supports two dozen homes for the aged, and has a wicked sense of humour?""
<< . . . all that does is reinforce the ignorant ideas in some people's minds.>>
Personally, I think all it does is prevent a racist ass-hole like Don Imus from reinforcing ignorant ideas in the minds of his millions of listeners.
<<Then there is the overreaction from the press and babbling heads about a comment that can be heard on just about any gangsta rap album out there. >>
Don Imus, if you haven't noticed, is not a gangsta rapper. He was supposed to have a little more credibility. Hosted many major political figures on his show. Unlike any gangsta rapper I ever heard of.
<<But if a white man says it, well, crucify the bastard. >>
When you hear a black man, gangsta rapper or not, deride the Rutgers team as nappy-headed hos, get back to us.
<< It's ignorant and stupid. It would be like a gay man such as myself deciding that since Isaiah Washington used a crude slur, that all blacks are homophobic, or actors, or whatever. >>
Uh, actually, it would be nothing like that. Your example has absolutely nothing to do with the situation. Nada. Zilch. Zip. Nobody has decided that Don Imus was representative of all white males. In fact he's so out of line with mainstream white males that other mainstream white males decided they had to can his ass.
<<People need to grow up and move on. >>
I'm grown up and so are the folks who canned Imus' ass. So is the Rutgers team. So is Rutgers' president. So is the team's coach. So are the parents of the team. Maybe it's Imus and his defenders who really need to grow up. Think so?
<< Some people are going to always going to be stupid (and after three or four years in this forum, I can see that much is true) >>
NOW you're talking! ! !
<<And if you stand around waiting for them to change then the favor you are doing isn't for yourself, but for them.>>
I don't know about favours, and I don't know about standing around and waiting, but I think people can change. Some people.
<<Just about any minority in society, whether it is racial, sexual, religious, whatever, faces some sort of crude and ignorant behavior from others. >>
We're trying to reduce the incidence of that crude and ignorant behaviour. In the first place by keeping ignorant and crude people and their ignorant, crude behaviour off national MSM.
<< By acknowledging it and overreacting to it, we dignify it. >>
I don't know what's so dignified about getting your ass canned and your reputation shredded in front of an audience of millions, while you grovel and beg to keep your job, but if that's what you call dignified, we must be using different dictionaries. Do you also subscribe to the theory that no sex is good sex unless you're peed on and whipped by your partner?
<<That acknowledgement reinforces the ignorant ideas in others.>>
I think the idea that was really reinforced in others was the idea that there's no profit in being a sexist racist pig anymore and that ideas like Imus' are really better off left unsaid.