<<The purpose of photo id's is to eliminate fraud at the polls. >>
What a joke. To solve a problem that doesn't exist, they create a solution that effectively puts a thousand yards of red tape between a black man and his vote.
<<Sounds like that is not a priority with you. >>
What, robbing blacks of their votes isn't a priority with me? Why should it be? Too bad it is with you.
<<And since when are blacks less capable of filling out forms than whites. >>
Being economically disadvantaged, they are much less likely to have photo ID than whites - - a point that the very article you posted has acknowledged. It isn't a question of less capable, it's a question of how many obstacles they are forced to wade through, just to vote. The proposed "solution" to the non-existent "problem" is in reality the creation of a whole obstacle course for black voters, only the first step of which is the filling out of the forms. As the Florida election has proven, even a simple ballot can be made confusing and incomprehensible to blacks, poor seniors, or anyone else likely to vote Democratic, why expect good old Republican ingenuity to limit itself to the design of ballots, think what they could do with an actual government form.
<<What a pile of paternalistic crap. >>
Now it's "paternalistic" to object to Republican efforts to disenfranchise the blacks. I'll bet the same bullshit argument was raised in the Sixties, it was ":paternalistic" for whites to join in the Civil Rights movement. You guys are hilarious, as if anyone over the age of thirteen could ever fall for your manipulative, intimidating form of "argument." As if a blind man couldn't see through it.