<<There were thousands of people in Maryland a few years ago that got out of their graves to vote for the Democratic candidate for governor, then calmly got back into their graves.>>
Never heard of it. But even if it happened, it's one isolated incident, whereas Republican suppression of black votes is massive, constant and ROUTINELY deprives tens of thousands of their votes, election after election.
You have reversed what never happens with what always happens .
So few Democrats lie quiet in their graves .
You can't find a lot of instance of voter supression in the last few elections , I mean not really , how many such instances were alledged is very diffrent than the nuymber that there is actually any evidence for.
If there is evidence of either sort of cheating , and the prosicutor involved seems uninterested in prosicution , then fireing him is proper.
Most of the law in voteing is state law , don't you know that if a Democrat in Florida were to prosicute a Republican vote cheat he would be a hero and a shoo in himself in the next election for a Democratic district , I take the lack of prosicicution , when the reward of such prosicution would be so great as evidence of evidence being absent.