Posted by ro on April 14th at 4:12pm in home
a huge terrible storm is coming
a nor easter
the potential hail has bumped imus
off r top story tonight
i was on the stoprosie site
• “You know, this President invaded a sovereign nation in defiance of the UN. He is basically a war criminal. Honestly. He should be tried at The Hague.â€
• “Don’t fear the terrorists. They’re mothers and fathers.â€
• “Democracy is threatened in a way it hasn’t been in 200 years and if America doesn’t stand up we’re in big trouble.â€
correct quotes
thank you ethan
well done
and yes i stand by all of them
however on number 2
i would like the word terrorist
in quotations
dont fear “TERRORISTS†- they are mothers and fathers
u see
since terror been used to scare americans
since 9 11
terrorists - terrorists - everywhere
all of them - bad guys
terrorists - after us - here and there
they sold it
we bought it
we gave away r civil liberties
fear works
the 911 terrorists
most came from saudi arabia
and we invaded 2 other countries
minor details
here is the point
i was trying to make
to elisabeth
who cant see any of “themâ€
as anything but terrorists
hundreds of thousands of humans
not “terroristsâ€
iraqi mothers and fathers
have been killed by US
those innocent ones
the mothers and fathers
they r not “terroristsâ€
try to paint with a huge brush
a big mess
borderlines everywhere
the media has demonized arabs
the facts about the death toll on all sides
is sickening and under reported
i am against this war
i support all the troops
i want them home
i have decided that from now on
i will talk about other things
on the view
like y thousands still live in renaissance village
18 months after katrina
or that 28 million american children live in dire poverty
that 1/2 of all black and hispanic kids in america
do not graduate from high school
1 in 150 autistic = EPIDEMIC
half a million children r in foster care
they r lost
the system is broken
from now on i will not raise my voice
about this criminal administration
i am sick of screaming IMPEACH
from now on i will say
just know on the inside
i will be yelling
i am registering as an independent
cause i am sick of both sides
cowardly silence
as democracy dies
finally a blog
no pray
no play