Well, the main issue with SCOTUS appointees isn't party lines; imo, they are all rats.
thelanguageguy.blogspot.com has excellent breakdowns of legal matters and opinions, including "witless supreme court interpretations".
I highly suggest his blog as reference for anyone who follows supreme court decisions.
Of course, idiot decisions such as this one beg the question: had *any thing else* been the catalyst for the privacy precedent roe v. wade set forth, would abortion be the issue it is today?
As it stands: do whatever you want. My personal opinion means nothing on the matter. Just don't ask me to pay for them via the government. That leaves me the option to donate as I see fit.
Now, for partial birth abortion: Prior to this silly law, partial birth abortions were only allowed in instances threatening the mother's life, or in instances of birth defects of a severe nature, i.e. spina bifida, downs syndrome, etc. should the mother choose to exercise that option.
And to really cement myself as an agente provocateuse: IF ANYONE CAN EXPRESS THEIR PRO-LIFE, ANTI-ABORTION STANCE WITHOUT USING THE WORDS MORAL, CHURCH, SANCTITY, BELIEF, RELIGION, FEELING, ETC. I will listen. I want to hear cold hard analysis, not something stemming from someone's feelings or beliefs, of which I am not under duty and obligation to give much of a expletive about. You don't want my philosophies being used to legislate to you; please don't beg, ask, or force yours onto me.
And to go even further: I would be more inclined to take the sentiments of the religious and such into consideration if I were to see real evidence that they really did care about these "unborn souls". As it stands, it does not appear that they care, it appears that they want to control others with no regard to differing opinions. What would convince me? People offering to adopt the unwanted they are forcing into existence; sincere and visible efforts to establish homes, centers, etc. for the ones aborted by the mother due to downs syndrome or spina bifida or another birth defect, generally given up because the care for a child like that is immense. I know I am too selfish to do it, and had my amniocentesis results been terrible, I would not have a daughter. So where are the people who really care? What are the signs that they do? Show me something substantial, something clear and compelling, because form my vantage point I see none.