<<I don't know MT , but aren't you in favor of placeing the most eager killers in charge over there?>>
The most eager killer is George W. Bush, who has the blood of 600,000 Iraqis on his hands and didn't even bother to keep a civilian body count. And I am definitely NOT in favour of putting him or his puppets in charge over there. I am in favour of him being put on trial for his life as a war criminal.
<<Doesn't mean I have to think you are inherantly evil or that the world would be better without you .>>
Crazy world if the OPPONENTS of those who start wars are inherently evil and would benefit the world by leaving it.
<<Why don't you say that there were 623,482 victims , rounding the figure off leaves the impression that one is guessing. >>
Why don't you say that you just don't know that there would be a much bigger bloodbath in Iraq if the U.S. ceased its criminal occupation immediately, and stop guessing yourself? 600,000 is a rounded figure like any estimate such as the U.S. national debt, the number of Jews killed in the Holocaust, the cost of the war or the price of next year's oil. It's commonly accepted by most people who aren't followers of the administration's line that this is the true cost in blood of Bush's war. More proof, if any were needed, of the extent of his criminality.