What really amazes me is the utterly and completely closed minds of those who hate Sheryl Crow because she dares to see with her own eyes (and not with Karl Rove's words) that global warming is real and therefore her ideas of using less tp is considered just kookoo CRAZY. Nyuck, nyuck.
A) who here hates Sheryl Crow?
B) Rove has nothing to do with Crow's nonsense about mandating TP pieces available to one
C) No one is preventing her from using as little, if any, that she wants to use. (or you for that matter)
D) It's folks like yourself, based on precisely this kind of knee jerk response, that tells me how little problem you'd have, if given the power, to legislate precisely how many sheets of TP we'd be allowed to use
FYI, contrary to your prescious Mr Gore, there is no unanimous concensus be it on global warming, and if any, the cause of it, and how much man plays in that cause. I suppose the "global warming" I read occuring on Mars is pure coincidence, right? So, you and Sheryl use as little TP as you want. Heck, use rubber gloves and an air drier. Whatever floats your boat. JUst don't even try to lay some guilt trip on how much anyone else uses. You may not realize this, but having worked in the medical field as longas I have, which includes Acute Care Hospitals & Nursing homes, there's alot *#&@ that can happen. So you and Sheryl just mind your own dirty business, and leave others to deal with theirs as need be