Sorry BT, didn't see your post in there.
I don't believe any type of terrorism should be tolerated. Period.
Great. When can we expect something to be done about oil companies making record profits while gas climbs to $4 a gallon and beyond. Doesnt that qualify as economic terrorism? Who gets to decide what constitutes terrorism? And who gets to decide where, when, and how we enforce it? This thing can very easily evolve into something else, and that's what I'm worried about.
And if we aren't going to tolerate it, who will enforce that zero tolerance?
See my above queries.
Perhaps we should concentrate more on payback than prevention, because prevention seems to get folks all wobbley.
Why is it that everyone wants to pick and choose what rights to preserve and what rights are expendable? It would make sense for me not to let Ted Kennedy drive cars with female campaign volunteers inside, but why stop him from a flight? I'm sorry BT, but I don't think it's okay to have secret searches and all that other garbage at the expense of my rights or yours (no disrespect intended). Any of them. When people want to know how effective these secret searches/warrants/arrests/trials are, they can't find out because if they were told the info might get out. Sounds like a self-producing cycle to me.
How about the rule of ten. For every one hostage you kill, we kill 10 of your family.
That would work great for 1940 Nazi Germany, killing villagers and priests, but not today, unless you really want the comparison to Nazi Germans. Further, being as how most of the hijackers were from Saudi Arabia and we haven't invaded them, I would think it'd be a little late for this one. Do you really want to line up the Cho family before a firing squad?
That work?
No. See above response.
No intrusive government prying into your private affairs.
How the hell would I know? It's not like the govt is going to tell me.
Just punishment, swift and sure.
Swift, like 5+ years at Gitmo without a trial? Swift, as in how swiftly we've managed to put Iraq back together? Or are we talking swift as in Texas style capital punishment? As for the sure part, Osama is still cave hopping, Iraq is still falling apart, and there are terrorist organizations (foreign and domestic) still recruiting, and probably having less trouble doing so than the US Armed Forces.