And with apologies to that fine magazine:
4DHSThis was an actual image taken after someone tried to explain something simple to Sirs. The patient is slowly recovering after nine years in a mental health facility where there are still occasional symptoms of hysteria including outbursts of: "MSM," "Islamofascism," and a stunning rendition of
Nearer My Bush to Thee.Domer Waxes PoeticDomer: Adieu, these magniloquent periphrastic disquisitions left countless a peerless poster agog in temerarious revulsion. Anon, your scurrilous prostitution of our inviolable
lingua franca will never be absolved.
The excitement is almost too difficult to be contained as people fall over themselves to read JS's next brilliant words of wisdom and knowledge.
Ami prepares to make another post, always fearful that someone may destroy him with a logical paradox.
Missus, Professor, and Plane reminisce about the "good old days."
Brass, Michael, and Lanya reminisce about the "good old days."
Prince's ideal future.
JS's ideal future. Oooh - socialist architecture, isn't it inspiring? ZZZZZzzzzzzz...