Kinga rehashing old wounds, isn't it?
The Congress is about to bring an army home. Over time the legends of what happened will grow. They were able to convince the army that it was defeated in Viet Nam, when it wasn't; but that was the hollow army, not the nearly invincible Legions we have today.
We started this. We brought Saddam down. We disbanded the Iraqi Army, so that there was no central authority other than our own. This was done deliberately. Now we are pulling out, blaming the Iraqis for their problems. If this were part of a new policy of minding our own business, restoring the Republic and allowing the world to take care of itself, it might be comprehensible, but it is not: the very people who wanted to intervene in Bosnia, who put our troops into Somalia and then did not support them and eventually ran (telling Bin Laden what he had suspected all along) will be in charge of this withdrawal and of the army they bring home. They are still interventionists albeit rather stingy and politically sensitive interventionists. They are still the people who ask, seriously, what is the good of this splendid army if you can't use it to go Do Good all over the world.
Bush meant well, but history will never forgive him for starting a war with no idea of what to do next. This was compounded by sending in an incompetent proconsul (who subsequently got the Medal of Freedom).
And Republicans and Democrats are now playing political games. Both seem to consider the soldiers as pawns.
The Republicans, whom I voted for including President Bush, miscalculated, misjudged, etc. etc. etc. and so will go down in history not favorably, shall we say. That being said, Democrats are guilty as well, let us not forget. Many voted for the Iraqi incursion, including our next President, Hillary Rodham Clinton. Kinda hypocritical to vote for the incursion and then turn tail and run, all the while acting like the Republicans are the only "evil" ones...