<<Funny how 1 article in 1 magazing is the gospel truth, according to Tee, but multiple official and unofficial reports and conclusions contrary to Tee's predisposed made up mind is deemed a "whitewash" >>
Yes, a lot of things are funny, aren't they?
Funny how Democrats and Republicans all voted together to give Bush the power to invade Iraq.
Funny how the people never got a chance to vote between a Democratic "pull 'em out next Wednesday afternoon" candidate and a Republican "onward to victory" candidate but were offered only a choice between a Republican war candidate and a Democratic "me too" candidate. (some choice!)
Funny how even after an electoral reversal of fortunes, the Democratic legislature continues the Republican war even though it's within their power to pull the plug on the financing of it.
But the funniest thing of all is how, when the warmongering politicians of both parties investigate themselves and decide in " multiple official and unofficial reports and conclusions" that everything that happened was strictly kosher from every angle, there are people who actually believe that the participation of Democrats in the process is a guarantee of impartiality and bona fides.
NEWSFLASH, sirs: The system is fixed. It ain't what it seems. The "opposition" isn't really an opposition. Get it? They take turns fucking you ["you" being the people of the U.S.A., not sirs personally] and you think it's true love.