First, I don't think this came from the
London Times. There are many reasons why, but the most obvious are:
1. In Britain, "liberals" has a completely different meaning. The author is clearly American and uses the strange American meaning of the word.
2. A British author would refer to attacks other than 9/11, such as the subway bombing.
3. A Brit author wouldn't talk about reinstituting the draft, energy independence (especially considering BP and North Sea Oil), and the
Times is unlikely to discuss the moral necessity of war.
No, this is definitely a hard right American piece. If it were in the
Times it would be as an example I'd imagine.
If we fight just to protect our culture of death or our radical materialism, be it for hedonist, capitalist, or consumer, we fight for a hollow cause, for mankind chooses to die for great and noble causes. Islamists understand that. We had better learn it or live to regret it.
This is my favourite statement. Basically, the Islamists have it right - but they aren't on the right side. After all, they condemn homosexuality, abortion, alcohol, drugs, womanising, etc. They have a specific role for women, children, and men. They believe in strong families. They believe these views should be strictly adhered to and that secularism, consumerism, socialism, and other such notions are curses upon mankind. They believe strongly in law and order. They have no problem with capital punishment. They also believe religion and faith should overrule man's law and judgement.