concealed gun??`s extremely hard and not profitable to have one very few jobs require it.
My occupation never "required it", yet I had one. Now you can also understand that a permit to carry a concelaed weapon is less a "profit" oritented move and more a "self defense" rationale
are their states that allow concealed guns permit to the general public?
Yes, most states in fact. There are fairly hefty training regimines involved, appropriately so. Some states/locales are very restrictive, such as DC & NY. And certain counties are more stringent than other counties. AND, funny thing here, violent crimes are less in areas with more permissive CCW laws, than those with very strict gun regulations. It's like ami said before, criminals are more likely to hang around locales where the populace is less likely to be armed and shoot them as they commit their crime.
unless it`s for work,I just don`t see a need for one.
Self defense would be one