<<How so? Supporting the troops means supporting what they do. Supporting the troops mean providing them with what they need to do what they do, like.......funding
<<Supporting the troops doesn't mean one hopes they get slaughtered in battle. Supporting the troops doesn't mean calling them all a bunch of thug rapists. So, perhaps you can explain how "support the troops" is the worst manifestation of political correctness run amuck>>
"Supporting the troops" becomes the right wing's catch-all phrase in their attempt to keep the war going. Anyone who wants to pull the troops out is not "supporting the troops." Anyone who even wants to set a deadline for pulling them out is "not supporting the troops." And when the Commander-in-Chief has made it abundantly clear that he will not abort the mission and pull the troops out, anyone who wants to take the only remaining way towards getting them out, i.e., pulling the plug on funding, is also accused of not "supporting the troops."
Looks to me like "support the troops" has become emotional blackmail aimed at supporting the mission, falsely miscasting anyone who doesn't support the mission as someone who doesn't support the troops. Similarly, anyone who calls the troops on their thuggish and criminal misconduct is branded as "not supporting the troops." In that case, "support the troops" has become emotional blackmail aimed at covering up for war crimes and atrocities, rather than actually supporting the troops. After all, why should anyone have to support thugs and war criminals in uniform?