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Quote from: _JS on May 14, 2007, 11:10:47 AM
The worst manifestation of political correctness is that stories of extreme political correctness, that likely represent a tiny percentage of the appropriate use of the term, are used by actual racists and bigots to wildly exaggerate the negative effects of tolerance in a multi-cultural society.
Political correctness, used appropriately has very positive effects that have made the office and other workplaces far more professional and has significantly limited tolerance of racist, misogynist, and other comments that would otherwise create nearly impossible workplace environments for some people.
What are you tolerant of?
I don't understand the question, can you be more specific?
Would you hire a redneck? Like to see your sister dating one?
I would hire anyone who is best qualified for a position and can act in a professional manner.
I don't have a sister.
I don't understand the question, can you be more specific?Tolerance can't be defined as acceptance of things one likes to accept , it is only tolerance if it is allowing something that is disliked
What do you dislike , but allow people to be and do around you ?