"And I know why you don't like the Jew," he went on. "He can make more money accidentally than you can make on purpose."
source Time Magazine; exact quote
Fuck this guy. He'll meet some interesting people in Hell, that's for sure. He and Joe Goebbels should really hit it off.
And fuck CNN too. They can cover up for this guy all they like, try to preserve their (nonexistent) rep for fairness by showing "all sides" but with the only anti-Falwell opinion in the mouth of a foreigner - - as if there were't a single American out of a population of 300 million with a bad word to say about him.
Why? I figure the powers that be can use guys like Falwell. They come and they go - - some before their time. This one probably ate himself to death, but there's always more where he came from. He's useful to have around, and they like to create a synthetic air of loving, fond and almost universal tolerance for the guy. Even from groups that he's trashed.
Last night they focused on his "sincerity" - - Larry King especially kept asking everyone if Falwell meant what he said, and like pre-programmed robots all his guests spit out the official response - - Yes, he wasn't a phony, he was the real thing, he really believed. (As if you couldn't say the same about Adolf Hitler, Mullah Omar, or Osama Bin Laden.) The other thing was that he "didn't have a mean bone in his body," for which the huckster of choice was Al Sharpton. "Even when he disagreed strongly with you, it was never personal, he was still friendly and warm." WTF did they expect, he'd lean over and bite into Sharpton's jugular in the course of a heated debate?
Falwell and his ilk can keep a lotta people quiet and contented who might otherwise turn out to be wildly discontented citizens, assertive employees, antiwar activists (gasp!) or similar undesirables. The last thing the ruling class wants to see is the respect for its icons eroded, their sphere of influence shrunken. Ridcule and contempt will do that. So the atmosphere to strive for is not that these guys were on the same page as everybody else, but that regardless of how many Americans agreed or disagreed with them, they were universally respected, even by their enemies and NOBODY (except for that one Limey snob, probably a fag) had one bad thing to say about him. No real American would ever say nasty things about him.