If you think Christ was a wmp, thnr you and I read a different Bible. :-)
The question is not whether or not Christ was a "wimp."
The Jews of the time expected their Messiah to be a military and political leader, someone to restore the Davidic Kingdom and throw out the Romans as the Maccabees had thrown out the Greek Selucid occupiers.
I am sure that some of them considered Christ a "wimp."
After all, he did not even allow Peter to kill a single Roman soldier as they led him away. He even healed the ear of the Roman soldier whom Peter had sliced.
So, I'm not sure what standards of "manliness" you place upon the Son of God, but no I don't consider him a "wimp." It took supernatural humility and strength to survive the scourging and suffering on the cross. Especially considering that he could have surely given in to temptation and become the great political and military leader that Israel and Judea needed and fought the Romans. He could have said, "to hell with their sins, Father, they are unforgivable and unreedemable - this creation you've made."
If that makes him a "wimp" in your eyes, more's the pity for you.
I'm always wary of those who make Christ into a Warrior King. There was a relatively obscure German political prisoner who wrote about Christ's throwing out of the moneychangers in a book called
Mein Kampf.
Despite a lot of modern historical revisionism that allows Christians to breathe easier at night and claim that Nazism was directly spawned from paganism and occultism, the truth is that Hitler himself used Christianity quite often to formulate the earliest philosophies of his party. I suggest that if Christ isn't "manly" enough for you then the problem is with you and not Him.