<<I appreciate the role you play as a tweaker of the conscience, there are many like you and you serve us all well to ensure that even the least likely dirt gets dug up . >>
Always nice to be appreciated. Thanks, plane.
<<Do you have a spritual cousin doing this same service for our opponents?>>
Suppose I don't, plane. Suppose your "opponents" are just totally sunk in depravity without one single dissenting or questioning voice among millions. Would you adjust your own standards of conduct accordingly?
In answer to some of the other questions you asked, IMHO, I don't see why the strong are precluded from being innocent, it's always a question of how they choose to exercise that strength. I don't see strength itself as evil. Fidel Castro is strong and he's good too. Seems like Hugo Chavez is cut from the same mold, but we need more time to see. Fidel is a giant, a man like that comes along maybe once in a century. Chavez - - who knows?
Your next question was a lot more complex than it looks on the surface. I think there's a sliding scale of guilt or innocence, pending on what your actions could cost you and your loved ones.
As for introducing democracy - - I think it's OK to teach democracy, but to forcibly impose it on another country or society? I don't see that happening anywhere. Germany and Japan had parliamentary governments that were more or less democratic before they fell into fascism. It was fascism that was the aberration, not democracy. But to force democracy onto a country that never had it? Or worse, in the case of the Iraqis, on a tribal culture that existed outside of the whole Greek idea of citizenship and its responsibilties and duties? AT the very least, I'd have to say that there would be better ways of doing it than at the point of a gun.
I am looking at something that is so bad that it should be stopped. Here and now. Without all the philosophizing about right and wrong intentions, etc. These guys (death squads, Sunni, Shi'a) need to be killed. All of them. Not just the Sunni. Either the U.S. can do the job - - which means setting aside the Maliki government and taking over direct rule - - or it can't. And if it can't, it should stop pretending it can, and just get the hell out. IMHO.