No, the thing you're missing is how more and more limitations are placed on the many, due to the actions of a few.
Completely irrelevant to what we were talking about, unless you're suggesting border security is important to keeping people out of flashfloods. So, back to my point:...
No, let's go back to the attempt at twisting my point. I'm not "suggesting" anything, much less that unfathonable tangent. I'm indicating that many of the laws we have that effect most, if not all of us, are brought about by the acts of a few. In this case, militant Islamic terrorists
How about if I said you have no problem with pedophiles, rapists and murderers moving right into your state or city? It's pretty much the same thing. You have no border protection, so bad people with intentions of harming others can come right in to where you live with no one to stop them.
Outside of course that they're here legally, while attempting to perform illegal acts. I hope you don't mind the fact I can differentiate between the 2
How can you be so ignorant of the obvious need for closing off all state and city borders within the United States? Yes, I am being sarcastic, but it makes my point.
Not quite, unless you're trying to make a ludicrous point, than yea, ok
Point being, our borders are the 1st line of defense against foreign enemies. The mindset you apply completely abolishes that line of defense.
Your state borders are your first line of defense against rapists and pedophiles from other states. The mindset you apply completely abolishes that line of defense.
Actually our 1st line of defense against
LEGAL citizens in this country is neighborhood watch. Not surprised though how you continue the effort in blurring the 2 (legal vs illegal immigrants)
my understanding appears to run completely in line with most "reasonable investigations" and think tank studies I've seen
I cannot find a single one that supports your view that taking away the illegal immigrants makes the health care and education systems "much more functional & cost effective." What I find says most of them are paying more in taxes than they ever get out of the system. Which means removing the illegal immigrants would be detrimental and not beneficial to those systems.
We obviously are reading different studies then, since I've come across precisely the opposite. Not combined of course, just studies on each, mostly regarding healthcare, and mostly about how far more money is drained than what they contribute
No one's trying to exclude "people", only ILLEGAL people. A distinct & not-so-subtle difference
As a fictional philosopher once correctly noted, "Peoples is peoples." I'm not exactly sure what the difference between "people" (in quotes) and ILLEGAL people is.
That's easy. ILLEGAL people are those that have not followed our laws, have not followed procedure that legal immigrants have taken, and obviously have no patience to respect our rule of law. "People" are all those here legally, including some who are actually pedophiles and murderers, that you were so incongruently trying to analogize
Seems to me, they're all people.
Technically yes. So are terrorists, so are dictators, so are pedophiles. So?
And if you're trying to exclude ILLEGAL people—and though I know what you meant, I am still a little surprised you put it that way—then you're trying to exclude people.
If you're going to start to try to play that blurr game again, you can deal me out. So don't
And one of the major problems with that, as I have mentioned before, is that those illegal immigrants shouldn't be illegal in the first place.
BUT THEY ARE. Just because you don't like it, doesn't mean they aren't. Just because a murderer may donate to charity, doesn't remove the fact he's a murderer. Fact is, those that have entered this country illegally, are illegally in this country. It is ONLY those I take issue with, as it relates to who comes in and out of this country, not "people" in general, nor those simply from Mexico. ANYONE entering this country, without going thru the legal process of coming into this country, should not be here, plane & simple
They'd take those jobs where the employers are desperate for the lowest waged worker. That's the whole issue here....employers and corporations willing to undercut american workers by paying salaries that only illegal immigrants will jump at.
Um, no. They take the jobs they are willing to do for the pay offered. The same as everyone else.
I think I just said that. And it's ususally lower than any legal American is willing to work for. Yea, I got that
You can't have an underground market in jobs if you don't have an underground market in employees.
Hey, that helps make my point. Start enforcing current immigration laws, start hitting these employers who are willing to shaft both illegal immigrants and Americans, and the underground would dry up significantly
And the vast majority of those illegal immigrats are likely to be renting vs paying property taxes, so there's another big# you can take out of the equation.
I would like to know how you came to that particular conclusion.
Common sense. such low skilled paying jobs, at rates that are often less than minimum wage isn't likely to put one on the path to home ownership. Unless you're like BofA or Western Mutual, ready to put up some outrageous mortgage rates to shaft the illegal immigrant, that much more
The reference is in that they would pay far less in taxes compared to what they'd use in tax payer payed services
Again, this is contrary to all the evidence I have seen.
Then we're obviously seeing different evidence
Again with the "all or nothing" inferrence. The reference was that the 9+million would likely be starting to receive SS benefits just after said system was completely bankrupt.
I inferred nothing. In any case, my point remains the same. A bankrupt "Social Security" system would be a result of the inherently faulty system not be the immigrants. To complain about immigrants, illegal or otherwise, somehow spoiling the system is a complete strawman. The peril of it does not exist.
A) I NEVER was complaining that immigrants, whether legal or illegal was what was spoiling SS, so I'd appreciate if you dropped that attempt. and B) 1 last time, it's simply demonstrating that the #'s will be THAT MUCH EXPONENTIALLY MORE entering the SS & Medicare systems, at a time when they're going, if not already gone bankrupt. Consider it the cherry on top