from Camillien Houde, the pro-Nazi mayor of Montreal, Quebec, who was interned during part of WWII for his pro-Axis views:
<<Your majesty, I thank you from the bottom of my heart, and Madame Houde here thanks you from her bottom too." [to King George VI during his visit to Canada in 1939. ] - Wikipedia
<<You know, some of that cheering is for you too.>> [ Commenting on cheering crowds to King George VI and Queen Elizabeth during their 1939 visit to Montreal.] - Wikipedia
Baseball was the French-Canadians' pro sport and football was the Anglo-Saxons' in Montreal, but the Anglos had a tradition that the Mayor of Montreal would place-kick the first ball of every season, so they invited Houde, who after the kick addressed the crowd in his heavily accented English, "It was a real pleasure for me to come here [to an English area] and kick your balls for you this afternoon and if you ever want me to kick your balls again, just call me up and I'll be here."
[It was commonly understood that the mayor spoke much better English than he let on and that he knew exactly what he was saying.]