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« on: May 28, 2007, 01:05:04 AM »
Antiwar base directs wrath at Democrats
By Donald Lambro
Published May 27, 2007

The bitter battle between the Democratic Congress and President Bush over Iraq war funding may be over for now, but another fight has erupted between Democrats and members of the antiwar base who say they were betrayed by their party.
    Democratic leaders told their rank-and-file supporters Friday they had no choice but to give up efforts to tie a troop-withdrawal deadline to an emergency appropriations bill. Mr. Bush on Friday signed the bill that pays for U.S. troops in Iraq and Afghanistan until the end of the fiscal year, Sept. 30.
    Many antiwar activists and bloggers condemned the Democrats' retreat and said their patience with party leadership was wearing thin.
    "Today America watched a Democratic Party kick them square in the teeth -- all in order to continue the most unpopular war in a generation," Democratic campaign strategist David Sirota wrote Friday on the left-wing Huffington Post Web site. "We gave them our heart; they gave President Bush a blank check.
    "That will make May 24, 2007, a dark day ... when Democrats in Washington not only continued the war they promised to end, but happily went on record declaring that they believe in their hearts that government's role is to ignore the will of the American people," Mr. Sirota wrote.
    The Daily Kos, one of the largest antiwar Web sites, also expressed disappointment and anger that leaders such as Democratic Sen. James H. Webb Jr. of Virginia voted to approve funding for the war. But it took some solace in Mr. Webb's statement that he "will not relent from my continuing efforts to bring this occupation to an end."
    "They let us down this time. But the opportunities for them to make amends still exist," Markos Moulitsas Zuniga, founder of the Daily Kos, wrote the day after the vote. "If Democrats take advantage of them, as they promise they will, then all might be forgiven. They can prove to us that they in fact know what they are doing, and that they, in fact, do plan on honoring their most sacred promise to the 2006 electorate.
    "And if they don't? Well, no one, not even the most rabid partisans, have an endless supply of patience," Mr. Zuniga warned.

Michael Tee

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Re: tantrum
« Reply #1 on: May 28, 2007, 01:14:43 AM »
<< But it took some solace in Mr. Webb's statement that he "will not relent from my continuing efforts to bring this occupation to an end.">>

Hilarious.  And the fact that anyone could take any solace from this double-talk gobbledegook is pathetic.  Again I think of the little kid endlessly pedalling his trike round and round the block.  He's running away from home but his parents told him not to cross the street.


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Re: tantrum
« Reply #2 on: May 28, 2007, 02:05:00 PM »
The bitter battle between the Democratic Congress and President Bush over Iraq war funding may be over for now, but another fight has erupted between Democrats and members of the antiwar base who say they were betrayed by their party."

were they betrayed?
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Re: tantrum
« Reply #3 on: May 28, 2007, 02:49:00 PM »
<<were they betrayed?>>
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Re: tantrum
« Reply #4 on: May 29, 2007, 06:40:26 PM »
<<were they betrayed?>>

Welcome to the edge , the ledge the point , that Anti - abortionists have inhabited for decades.

You are a large enough voting block to make a diffrence and be wooed , but not large enough to keep promises to.

Feel free to read our means of copeing in our playbook , perhaps you can develop a way of turning the mass away from the rut in the center.


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Re: tantrum
« Reply #5 on: May 31, 2007, 12:57:38 PM »
Clearly, those now in control of the Dem part are not following the will of the people.  I expect that of the Republican party but I expect it to a lesser point of the Dem party.

This latest affront to the majority will of the people is only the absolute proof that there is a ruling class in this country and the rest of us are down on another level that they feel has no power.

I've only moved so much closer to total all-out armed and bloody revolt as the only possibly viable option.  With the constant and pervasive expression of the majority of Americans, there is no way that the representatives now in office could think that we want to keep the troops in Iraq.  They are pushing us against the wall by not carrying out the least of the options the majority favors in regards to the Iraq situation.  Timetables were the token least and that was beyond their will.

Talking and polite discourse and political maneuverings are now less viable recourses for the American people.

Their legislation and economic guidance has made it near impossible for the workers of America to take the time to go to Washington, missing work, and march in protest to their decisions.  We have been marginalized.  We have been enslaved over the years, held in place by invisible chains of monetary demands on our time.

Emails and phone calls are easily avoided and dismissed by those in Washington.  Our physical presence is relatively impossible in Washington.  So, what threat is there to those who make the decisions there to make the decisions we, as a nation, want them to make?  Clinton proves that small cash donations are not necessary so only the ultra-rich will get her the nomination.

Elections have been proven stolen in the last 7 years so what is our recourse?

Till the nation loses its fear of taking gun butts to the head, those in DC will continue to get away with telling us to shut the f up.


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Re: tantrum
« Reply #6 on: May 31, 2007, 04:11:39 PM »
*snicker*........feel better?     ;)
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Re: tantrum
« Reply #7 on: May 31, 2007, 05:14:42 PM »
Elections have been proven stolen in the last 7 years so what is our recourse?


Bald er dash

If there was proof there are plenty of lawyers eager to take it to court , but as long as there is no real complaint it can be repeated forever with no danger of proof needed.

It is not unlikely at all that a Democrat will win a Presidential election in the near future , perhaps the very next one , will you call any election that doesn't elect your favoriate "stolen"?

When presented with the stark reality that keeping their promise was a truely bad idea , did they betray you by exibiting greater wisdom?

Bush cannot pay them anything ,, they just saw, when they reached the edge , that the leap from the frying pan placed them squarely in the fire.


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Re: tantrum
« Reply #8 on: May 31, 2007, 05:18:23 PM »
Elections have been proven stolen in the last 7 years so what is our recourse?


Bald er dash.  If there was proof there are plenty of lawyers eager to take it to court , but as long as there is no real complaint it can be repeated forever with no danger of proof needed.

Unfortunately, that's SOP for the DNC & like minds.  Bush lied us into war, It's all about the Oil, our Military is just a bunch of raping murderers, yada, rant blather, are all similar examples of such       :P
"The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal." -- Aristotle