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Some Iraqi refugees turn to prostitution
« on: May 29, 2007, 04:14:31 PM »
[As a child I heard the word "destitute"  and thought it meant something akin to "prostitute."
I guess I wasn't far off.]

Iraqi refugees, in dire straits, turn to Syrian sex trade
Published: Monday May 28, 2007    
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With no jobs and no money, many female Iraqi refugees in Syria have turned to prostitution to survive, reports the New York Times.

"Many of these women and girls, including some barely in their teens, are recent refugees," writes Katherine Zoepf. "Some are tricked or forced into prostitution, but most say they have no other means of supporting their families."

Excerpts from the article follow:

According to the United Nations high commissioner for refugees, about 1.2 million Iraqi refugees now live in Syria; the Syrian government puts the figure even higher.

Given the deteriorating economic situation of those refugees, a United Nations report found last year, many girls and women in “severe need” turn to prostitution, in secret or even with the knowledge or involvement of family members. In many cases, the report added, “the head of the family brings clients to the house.”

Aid workers say thousands of Iraqi women work as prostitutes in Syria, and point out that as violence in Iraq has increased, the refugee population has come to include more female-headed households and unaccompanied women.

"So many of the Iraqi women arriving now are living on their own with their children because the men in their families were killed or kidnapped," said Sister Marie-Claude Naddaf, a Syrian nun at the Good Shepherd convent in Damascus, which helps Iraqi refugees.
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Re: Some Iraqi refugees turn to prostitution
« Reply #1 on: May 29, 2007, 04:19:44 PM »

What sort of refugee wants to turn to Syria?

Michael Tee

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Re: Some Iraqi refugees turn to prostitution
« Reply #2 on: May 29, 2007, 04:26:38 PM »

<<What sort of refugee wants to turn to Syria?>>

The ones who are too stupid to seek plane's advice.  I bet if they'd asked you, plane, you could have really given some guidance to these unfortunate souls and guided them to the land of milk and honey that awaits them . . .  uh, where exactly is it that they should have gone to, plane?


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Re: Some Iraqi refugees turn to prostitution
« Reply #3 on: May 29, 2007, 04:33:06 PM »
well duh

prostitution is overall a economic situation(globally)

but unfortunately it has always been faced as a social & moral issue,which is why it never got solved.

secretly boston has one of the largest concentration prostitutes in the country due to large colleges in that area.
very few of them is affordable with mcdonalds wages.

religion only makes the job tougher.
but until it actually offers jobs that pays the rent,prostitutions will thrive in outside world.


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Re: Some Iraqi refugees turn to prostitution
« Reply #4 on: May 29, 2007, 04:42:31 PM »

<<What sort of refugee wants to turn to Syria?>>

The ones who are too stupid to seek plane's advice.  I bet if they'd asked you, plane, you could have really given some guidance to these unfortunate souls and guided them to the land of milk and honey that awaits them . . .  uh, where exactly is it that they should have gone to, plane?

Well I suppose that the Kurds are not letting them in , there is a defacto border there that is less "porous" than the internationally recognised ones to the East and West.

If they were Shia they would probably have gone to Iran , where there is space and money and social support .

So these must be Sunni familys , on the run from the Shia , the Al Quaida and their home grown own sons.

I would tell them to return to their homes as a group , uncover for the USMC all of the terrorists who were pestering them and I would want them to be well armed .

The USMC would gladly remove the pests as rapidly as the light fell on them and they would be just as usefull to humanity in general at Guntanimo as they would be anywhere elese but much less likely to kill people.

The Refugee problem from the invasion of Iraq and the deposition of Saddam was infanitesimal , After that ,the power grab that is sometimes known as a civil war started makeing real damage to the population. The main pain is from the quarter that wants us to not succeed , they feel profited by any sort of disorder .

You may think that most of the Iriqui dead are the responsibility of the USA and I have seen you make a good case for it, but for at least two years we have not been helped by the mayhem in any way and I don't see how the refugee problem could exist at all ,if there were not enough people, willing to hide terrorists and insurgents from us, to keep them effective at killing their neighbors.


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Re: Some Iraqi refugees turn to prostitution
« Reply #5 on: May 29, 2007, 04:47:45 PM »
well duh

prostitution is overall a economic situation(globally)

but unfortunately it has always been faced as a social & moral issue,which is why it never got solved.

secretly boston has one of the largest concentration prostitutes in the country due to large colleges in that area.
very few of them is affordable with mcdonalds wages.

religion only makes the job tougher.
but until it actually offers jobs that pays the rent,prostitutions will thrive in outside world.

I concur that poverty is one of the things that causes Prostitution , refugees in all the world struggle with this and simular copeing stratigys that they might not have chosen if not in dire need.

More worthy of question , why are there a lot of poor refugees in Syria?

How many of them are driven out and by what?

The prostitution might happen for other reasons , but sometimes it becomes important to place the blame where it really belongs so that time is not wasted on correctiog things that are not effective as solutions.

Michael Tee

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Re: Some Iraqi refugees turn to prostitution
« Reply #6 on: May 29, 2007, 05:29:54 PM »
The decision turns on a number of factors - - can they get through Kurdish territory to get into Turkey?  Sometimes they get held up at the border waiting for guides and the Kurds rob them unmercifully, charging daily bribes just for allowing them onto "Kurdish" territory.  Can they afford to risk that?  Which border is open, which journey is safest?  How much "hostile" territory has to be crossed for a Sunni or a Shi'a?  What country is charging peanuts for an entry visa that was charging lots more the month before?  Which country lets you work legally?  Which ones effectively let you work illegally?  Which ones will send you back and which ones won't?  Which ones are easiest to sneak into the U.S.A. or Canada from?  In which country's refugee camps will you find your own family or friends?  Where would you still be in danger from death squads operating in the camps?

It is not an easy decision to make, plane, but with a little bit of humility, you'd realize that these folks have given the problem a hell of a lot more thought than you have and that if they end up in Syria there's a God-damned good reason for them to be there.

<<I would tell them to return to their homes as a group , uncover for the USMC all of the terrorists who were pestering them and I would want them to be well armed .>>

LMFAO.  plane, that is one of the funniest statements I've read all day.  I happen to know a few of these people, and I really don't think you'd find any of them who would be favourably impressed by your advice.  In fact, I find it slightly surreal that you would have any advice for them at all.  They're adults, just as smart as anyone else, and they've lived through incredibly trying and dangerous times.  They're as capable as anyone else is of analyzing the situation and they have the advantage over you of knowing the situation and the people intimately, having lived there all their lives.

<<The USMC would gladly remove the pests as rapidly as the light fell on them and they would be just as usefull to humanity in general at Guntanimo as they would be anywhere elese but much less likely to kill people.>>

I don't know what planet you've been living on, but on this one, the USMC has been there for four years and, far from them "removing the pests," the "pests" are about to remove them.  It should be apparent to anyone now that the U.S. occupation is on its last legs, the clock is ticking and in a few years the USMC and everything that it represents, both good and bad, will be gone from Iraq like the British imperialists before them.  The refugees know it, the "pests" know it, and I think even the USMC knows it.  So even if you were crazy enough to follow your own advice, these people are not.  They want to be survivors, not martyrs to stupidity.  They see the situation on the ground, they know the Marines, they know the insurgents and they've seen first-hand what each can and cannot do.

<<The Refugee problem from the invasion of Iraq and the deposition of Saddam was infanitesimal ,>>

That's just not true either.  There were tens of thousands of refugees in Syria, Jordan, Turkey and Greece even during Saddam's reign.

 <<I don't see how the refugee problem could exist at all ,if there were not enough people, willing to hide terrorists and insurgents from us, to keep them effective at killing their neighbors>>

BINGO!!!  There are a lot of people who want the "terrorists" to win.  You can't delegitimize a whole sector of the Iraqi people.  If they don't buy into a democracy, there is no consensus and democracy will not work.  They can stop it from working and they don't have to be even 50%.  And you can't force them to want democracy.  That's why democracy can't be shoved down anyone's throat at the point of a gun.  Dictatorship can be.  Democracy can't be.  That's why your effort to "build a stable democracy" would have been doomed from the start if in fact that had been what you were aiming at (which of course you were not and never were.)


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Re: Some Iraqi refugees turn to prostitution
« Reply #7 on: May 29, 2007, 05:37:41 PM »
<<I don't see how the refugee problem could exist at all ,if there were not enough people, willing to hide terrorists and insurgents from us, to keep them effective at killing their neighbors>>

BINGO!!!  There are a lot of people who want the "terrorists" to win.  You can't delegitimize a whole sector of the Iraqi people.


So what responsibility does this "sector " bear when it enables the violence?


  If they don't buy into a democracy, there is no consensus and democracy will not work.  They can stop it from working and they don't have to be even 50%.  And you can't force them to want democracy.  That's why democracy can't be shoved down anyone's throat at the point of a gun.  Dictatorship can be.  Democracy can't be.  That's why your effort to "build a stable democracy" would have been doomed from the start if in fact that had been what you were aiming at (which of course you were not and never were.)

The majority counts, we want the majority to rule through a constitution , if this can be done they will not need us long . If a minority wants to rule by violence ,then they are who the refugees should be.

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Re: Some Iraqi refugees turn to prostitution
« Reply #8 on: May 29, 2007, 06:00:26 PM »
<<So what responsibility does this "sector " bear when it enables the violence?>>

The same reponsibility that the French Resistance bore for the violence they enabled.  They start it, they own it.

<<The majority counts, we want the majority to rule through a constitution . . . >>

Yeah, YOU want the majority of THEM to rule through a constitution.  If that's what THEY wanted it would be beautiful.  But as you can see, if 51% or 61% only of THEM want it, all hell breaks loose.  And it doesn't seem to help much that YOU want it to be otherwise.

<< if this can be done they will not need us long . >>

How long did it take the English to get to that point?  You measure time like that in CENTURIES.  How many centuries you prepared to give them?  More to the point, considering the cost to date, how many MONTHS can you afford to give them?

<<If a minority wants to rule by violence ,then they are who the refugees should be.>>

But they're not, are they?  It's just too big a minority to expel.  They're never gonna be refugees.  You're talking double-digit percentages of total population.  Don't you get it yet?  They're a significant part of the Iraqi people.  They are not gonna self-amputate because of what YOU want or what YOU think.  They're a lot more likely to unite against the foreigner than to expel their own, and besides that there aren't enough places for that many refugees.

And you've actually got the "rule by violence" turned around 180 degrees.  The majority Shi'a are the ones who want to rule by violence because only through violence can they subdue a minority which won't accept a one-man-one-vote system that dooms them to permanent powerlessness.  That's because their primary loyalty is not to the "Iraqi Nation" and never will be.  Of course, you think it should be.  But you can't force them to take on your value and belief system.  These guys know that their families, their tribes and their clans are more important to them than the "nation."  They care deeply about things that you don't care about (and peobably don't even know about) and don't give a shit about things that you think are of supreme importance.  They aren't gonna change the way they think for you.

When the English finally came to accept, in stages, democracy, they did so because the people were sick and tired of factional warfare.  At every milestone, there was a kind of consensus.  Not everybody agreed, but the time was past when a substantial minority was willing to take up arms to frustrate the growth of democracy.  Had that degree of consensus not been reached, each "advance" towards democracy would have just been an endless battle, with the "insurgents" never being powerful enough to bring down the monarchy but strong enough to frustrate the progress of the democratic ideal.

You think democracy can be imposed at gunpoint in the absence of a sufficiently strong consensus among all the groups affected.  It can't.


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Re: Some Iraqi refugees turn to prostitution
« Reply #9 on: May 29, 2007, 06:35:31 PM »
<<So what responsibility does this "sector " bear when it enables the violence?>>

The same reponsibility that the French Resistance bore for the violence they enabled.  They start it, they own it.

So be it on their heads as they become refugees.


But they're not, are they?  It's just too big a minority to expel.  They're never gonna be refugees.  You're talking double-digit percentages of total population.  Don't you get it yet?


I don't think it is much more than ten percent , if that is what you mean by "double digit", but even in the unlikely event that we are talking about twenty percent , I definately want to be on the side of the people (most).


How long did it take the English to get to that point?  You measure time like that in CENTURIES.


It cycles but the time of the cycle is not fixed , it took the English centurys , the Egyptians are still working on it after millinia , the Americans did it pretty well in a century and a half and the Japaneese turned on a dime.

It isn't simple , but it can be grasped as a concept by an intelligent person of any heritage.


Yeah, YOU want the majority of THEM to rule through a constitution.  If that's what THEY wanted it would be beautiful.  But as you can see, if 51% or 61% only of THEM want it, all hell breaks loose.  And it doesn't seem to help much that YOU want it to be otherwise.


We got a better than eighty percent turnout to vote , I wish we did that well here.


how many MONTHS can you afford to give them?


In absolute terms? An eternity ,

 the death rate and the rate of resorce use is well within replacement rates for all sides involved.

Of course this is just one factor of many ,  but no one involved wants something this ugly to last forever. Someone will quit when they become convinced that the other will not.


But they're not, are they?  It's just too big a minority to expel.


No , they can straighten up or leave , because the majority will have its way whether it has it reasonably or not.
You are not advocateing minority rule are you?


The majority Shi'a are the ones who want to rule by violence because only through violence can they subdue a minority which won't accept a one-man-one-vote system that dooms them to permanent powerlessness.  That's because their primary loyalty is not to the "Iraqi Nation" and never will be.  Of course, you think it should be.  But you can't force them to take on your value and belief system.  These guys know that their families, their tribes and their clans are more important to them than the "nation."  They care deeply about things that you don't care about (and peobably don't even know about) and don't give a shit about things that you think are of supreme importance.  They aren't gonna change the way they think for you.


I want you to imagine that this conversation was thirty years ago , and that every reference to Iraq was instead a reference to South Africa. with that adjustment you would seem more harsh than Mr. Botha.

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Re: Some Iraqi refugees turn to prostitution
« Reply #10 on: May 29, 2007, 07:46:10 PM »
<<I want you to imagine that this conversation was thirty years ago , and that every reference to Iraq was instead a reference to South Africa. with that adjustment you would seem more harsh than Mr. Botha.>>

Actually, the percentage of whites in the South African population was so small compared to the blacks that they knew in the end they could never block the move to democracy.  In Iraq the opponents of democracy are a much larger slice of the population.  I think it's also germane to look at the people involved.  A lot of the whites were rich.  The rich don't fight.  They're not equipped for it.  The blacks were poor and desperate.  They had nothing to lose.  Iraq is a more even distribution of rich and poor and the lines aren't as clearly drawn by race.  The whites were smart enough to see the downside of going mano-a-mano with a huge mass of desperate blacks with nothing to lose.  Lots of them liquidated their assets over time and left the country.  Seems like they all ended up within a five-mile radius of my home, as a matter of fact.  I couldn't see any one of them mixing it up with a gang of black ghettor fighters from Soweto.

<<the Egyptians are still working on it after millinia , the Americans did it pretty well in a century and a half and the Japaneese turned on a dime.>>

plane that's just a crock  - - the Egyptians got their independence after WWII, the Americans inherited their democracy from the British and improved upon it and the Japs were working with a parliamentary democracy since the latter third of the 19th century.  Nobody turned on a dime and you know it.

<<I don't think it is much more than ten percent , if that is what you mean by "double digit", but even in the unlikely event that we are talking about twenty percent , I definately want to be on the side of the people (most).>>

That's just crazy.  I would put the violent opposition to "democracy" at 30 to 40%, maybe more.  The Sunni don't see any advantage at all, and the Shi'a see ONLY advantage for them.  There really aren't any "Iraqis" so "democracy" is just a tool for one group to gain the ascendancy over the other.

<<how many MONTHS can you afford to give them?

<<In absolute terms? [we can afford to give the Iraqis] An eternity [to get their "democracy" up and running],>>

Really?  You can afford to spend half a trillion over the next four years and half a trillion again after that?  Better stop smokin' what you're smokin', plane, it ain't doin' your head any good.

<<We got a better than eighty percent turnout to vote , I wish we did that well here.>>
If 80% wanted democracy bad enough to fight for it, it would be there and the opposition would be nowhere.

 the death rate and the rate of resorce use is well within replacement rates for all sides involved.

<<No , they can straighten up or leave , because the majority will have its way whether it has it reasonably or not.>>

It just isn't happening.  The fighters aren't the ones who are leaving.  It's the ones who don't want to fight who are leaving.

<<You are not advocateing minority rule are you?>>

Think it through.  If the majority can't forcibly subdue the minority, how could the minority forcibly subdue the majority?  Of course I'm not advocating minority rule - - just trying to get you to see that for a democracy to function, you need more than 51% to agree to the system in the first place.  There are two issues - - what are the conditions necessary to establish democracy?  to which I would say you need a pretty general consensus otherwise those who don't agree on the system itself will never accept its authority.  The other issue is once a democracy is established, what condition is necessary for a government to be effective?  and there the answer is (theoretically) 51% becuase there is a broad consensus that it's best to accept the result of a majority decision.

The problem here is that there IS no broad consensus that majority rule is the way to go.  So you will always have violent opposition to majority rule because there's no consensus in favour of the principle.
You are not advocateing minority rule are you?


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Re: Some Iraqi refugees turn to prostitution
« Reply #11 on: May 30, 2007, 12:10:16 AM »
plane that's just a crock  - - the Egyptians got their independence after WWII, the Americans inherited their democracy from the British and improved upon it and the Japs were working with a parliamentary democracy since the latter third of the 19th century.  Nobody turned on a dime and you know it.

I know that you have no more excuse to pick an anchient starting point for the development of Democracy than I do .

The idea that a certain race of people is too backwad to understand democracy is racist.


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Re: Some Iraqi refugees turn to prostitution
« Reply #12 on: May 30, 2007, 12:11:48 AM »
Actually, the percentage of whites in the South African population was so small compared to the blacks that they knew in the end they could never block the move to democracy.  In Iraq the opponents of democracy are a much larger slice of the population. 

Actually you are talking through your hat.


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Re: Some Iraqi refugees turn to prostitution
« Reply #13 on: May 30, 2007, 12:18:18 AM »
That's just crazy.  I would put the violent opposition to "democracy" at 30 to 40%, maybe more.  The Sunni don't see any advantage at all, and the Shi'a see ONLY advantage for them.  There really aren't any "Iraqis" so "democracy" is just a tool for one group to gain the ascendancy over the other.


Your figures are impossible ,especially on the high side.

If there are 40% Sunni then I guess you are not couting Kurds or that Shia are a strong majoriy.

30% is too much even if one were o assume that they were all in agreement , since thereare a lot of them in Syria I would have to suppose not.

Let's try 15% or less and I still feel that is generous.


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Re: Some Iraqi refugees turn to prostitution
« Reply #14 on: May 30, 2007, 12:25:33 AM »
<<We got a better than eighty percent turnout to vote , I wish we did that well here.>>
If 80% wanted democracy bad enough to fight for it, it would be there and the opposition would be nowhere.

No , it does not take even one in one hundred to turn to murder to cause a lot of problems . Especially if each one is a repeat murderer.

Turning this around occupation of Iraq would be impossible if there were 15% or more devoted to violence , the US force probably out numbers their oppsition , but it is not possible for us to hide at all while the opponent can hide precisely all the time.