<<Sure, let's elect a person who rarely thinks before they act . . . >>
What's THAT based on?
<< . . . has the analysis power of a snail>>
Did you read her Memorial Day speech? The analysis is dead-on. I don't know, if you're just gonna reflexly throw mud at the mere mention of her name, you're doing her and yourself an injustice. Why not read the speech and tell me what particular analysis was done on snail-power? I sure as hell didn't see any.
<< . . . is not all that intelligent>>
You know, she's come a long way on her own power, unlike all those white politicians born with a silver spoon in their mouths, the current "President" most egregiously. A little more respect just might be in order here.
<< aggressively fuels negative emotions in her base in a hateful manner>>
Well, THAT'S unique alright. And this distinguishes her from her Republican opponents how? And more importantly, would you like to produce any examples of that?
<< act as if they are above the law, thinks they are immune to any and all rules >>
And in all her life she's never been caught even once and sent to jail? I know people who think the way you claim she does and believe me, sooner or later the law of averages catches up with them as it does with everybody and they go to jail. Care to explain why a person with such a blatant disregard of the law and no high-level connections to protect her (as for example, your "President" has had on numerous occasions) has managed to keep her ass out of jail lo these many years?
<<. . . and is blatantly anti-Semiitic>>
How so? Because she opposes the stranglehold that the Israeli lobby has on the U.S. government? Personally I think that is a very unhealthy relationship and is bound to lead eventually to a gigantic anti-Semitic backlash. I'd like to see their influence ended myself, and that's not anti-Semitism, it's pure self-preservation. They need to stop leeching off the U.S. and the U.S. needs to get their hand out of its cookie jar.
<< . . . and a racist. >>
Never heard a racist word out of her. What'd she do? What'd she say? Is she more racist than Trent Lott? More racist than Senator Macacawitz? More racist than Don Imus? Inquiring minds need to know.