Jimmy Carter was dead on the money when he said that Juniorbush was the absolute WORST president in US history. James Buchanan was in manu ways an asshole of equal incompetence, but he was not reelected.
He was also entirely correct when he labeled what the Israelis do to the Palestinians as apartheid.
He really needs to stop retracting his statements.
This was why he screwed up so badly with the Iranian hostage crisis. His first impression was to tell the dying Shah, who was a foul little egomaniac that no, he should go somewhere else to die. He also wanted to evacuate the Teheran Embassy.
But no, he allowed Henry "the thing that will not die" Kissinger to convince him otherwise, when he should have booted Kissinger's pale white ass out of the White House for good.
Jimmy's first decisions are right, but then he rethinks things too much.