I only have a few moments before I have to go out and lay some new drywall ("I'm getting too OLD for this!"). I briefly scanned the other thread and found their positions, I believe.
That thread did tend to wander quite a bit, but...
As is typcial, Plane and I agree, I believe so anyway. It IS interesting how often we tend ot agreeo nthese matters, considering our interconnected relationship (me being married to his ex-wife).
I will briefly attempt to answer your question, JS:
I AM pro-life, so much so that I cannot envision voting for a political candidate who is not. For exampl,e if the Republicans stnad up a guy who is NOT pro-life, I will do what many will do, I will ,for the first time in my voting life, sit out the upcoming Presidential eleciton.
Birth control:
I agree with Plane that it all comes down to what you mean here. For example, the reason I oppose the "morning after pill" is that is is basically abortion. Why?
<here it comes>
Because life begins at conception.
THerefore, any method of birth control that destroys the embryo after the egg and sperm have met, is tantamount to abortion. An example would be an IUD.
What churches state or decry from the pulpit is important to me, particulaythe denominations I feel are closer to conservative Scriptural inrerpretations, but I make up my own mind, in prayer, as to what is proper and just. As Plane said, Papal statements are perhaps cool to note, but not the final say in the matter, to me at least. But then again, neither is a statment from the General Assembly of the Assemblies of God, my present denomination.
Did that present my position?