Already being sone, Plane. On a regular basis. As cultural mores become more entrenched farther away from Absolute Right and Wrong, this process only continues.
As far as an earlier post, did not Onan refuse a direct order from God? If so, this is not his punishment "just"?
Reproductive rights is, in my mind, yet another example of how the god of Technology, is impacting societal issues. Other examples are cloning ("does a cloned person, whih is surely soon to happen, have a "soul"? does it/he/she have al lthe rights of any other citizen? is it/he/she covers by Government programs? and so on), transplants ("I remember Pat Robetrson saying that a person who has a transplanted heart has some spiritual issues now), reproductive techs such as the new male contraceptive) and so on.
This issues will play themselves out in society in various forms from legislative to legal to the workplace and on and on and it will be intriguing to see how society isthereby shaped.
Ad yet, being a Luddite will only get you passed over in the race for supremacy. SO, then, is embracing Technology the correct path? Can we be in some trouble for doing so? And, yet, is it the "right" thing to do sometimes? (as in not allowing the cloning of humans)