Castro was a genius at gaining power. Of course, had Batista been a typical Latin dictator, like Stroessner, or Perez Jimenez or Trujillo, Castro would have been executed along with his entire 26 de julio group. But his family had influence and his first wife's family had influence (the Diaz Ballarts, two of whom are in the US Congress, best buddies of the Fanjul Sugar Barons and Juniorbush.
Castro is a genius at staying in power. This is hard to do. Porfirio Diaz, Strossner, Perez Jimenez (Venezuela) and Trujillo couldn't pull it off. Castro has been in power (1959-2007) longer than Franco (1933-76) even.
But the fact is that Cuba is a very fertile country and they are importing SUGAR, of all things. The rations run out in a week or two, and if it weren't for people in the US and elsewhere sending dollars, there would be starvation. The US embargo is not a good excuse for why Cuba can't grow enough food to feed the people. Cuba is not overpopulated , and most of it is very fertile: more than any other Caribbean country. There is no hunger in Belize, and there only about 5% of the land is cultivated.
Castro has tried very hard to teach people to be more efficient, to the point of personally showing the entire country on a two hour TV show how using a pressure cooker for the rice and beans would save them time and money. But the regime has become tiresome to the young people and they don't pay much attention. Getting their hair done and finding complexion soap is more important than the job or the diet. I know this from talking with several recent arrivals, who came here to take care of aging parents.
Communism doesn't really work well in Cuba. Neither did capitalism. I mean fact e it: if Capitalism had been successful in Cuba, there would have been no Castro revolution. The most prosperous Latin country is of course, Spain, and what it has is a mild form of socialism with an excellent educational and medical system. Of course, Cubans aren't Spaniards, either. But it seems that a higher percentage of Cubans have become prosperous here in Miami than they would have done in Cuba.