I also have a very simple prescription for those who concern themselves with "what to do" about "Muslim terror cells." Stop fucking with their world and maybe they'll stop fucking with yours.
It is just that simple.
Fear-mongering and its current political efficacy by the Neocons seems to be on the wane, thanks to people like Pelosi, Edwards and others who actually refer to Neocon fear-mongering, though some people like the nonblinking, clueless imbibers of Fox propaganda, fascist bloggers like Eric, and push-button New Jersey barristers won't be waned, of course.
Some people simply cannot get beyond fear, and that manufactured by the Neocons and Libertarians is no exception. Some people simply seem to quicken and come alive when given the chance to be overwhelmed by bogus fear. It overshadows all the sins of omission, intellectual laziness, and any lack of creative application, and serves to obliterate any sensible controls over their emotions. People who are quick to patriotism are such people. It is just such people that the Neocons have depended upon to easily incinerate for their use.
It is much easier to be swept away by emotion than to think things through (which, let's face, causes angst and uncertainty--while strong, blind emotional commitment is easy, even reaffirming, and it gives the comfort of the crowd mentality, or mob reaction. There is no sterling self-righteousness extant to exceed that of the mob in frenzy. It usually takes a scapegoat to appease their inner need to end their emotional maelstrom.
It is specifically these sort--emotional mainliners--who patiently wait for some great operatic fear to come along, so that they can subscribe blindly and crazilly to full throttle emotional grip. It is the whaler's boat now pulled into a Nantucket sleighride. Justifies everything, and serves to intercept that pesky thing called ration. This serves well when these carnivores need to hide an essential item from the argument--the COMMON good.
Libertarians usually try to prop up their emotionally elite, fascist cultism by boring their critics with hip-shot references to economists of all kinds, pretending that this current American fascist corporation metasticism is all about scientifically (if cherry-picked) economic theory as inevitablitliy rather than fascist elimination of critical examination (liberals), and, of course, their unchecked greed.