I can't provide you a point-by-point refutation of the author's argument, or won't, but instead I will focus on what appears to me to be his overriding concern. (I should add in this highlighted parenthetical that concern (not driving obsession) with Islamist terrorist use of WMD, including nuclear, despite what political gains some might yet derive and might have derived from the possibility, nevermore palpable, is concern shared by all intelligent folks, JS apparently being an exception.) But the thrust of the piece as it's presented to us is a simple battle of ideas, wherein the author casts the Left's entries as somehow suspect, subversive, and seductive: not because of the threat of force of arms but as a precursor to just that. Well, pardon me if I gloat the American anthem, but isn't this just the type of threat our government is designed to meet, the activity wherein we find our greatest glory? I mean, come on.