<<I've long advocated that the US stop throwing away money on charitable works in other nations.>>
Well, I'd certainly differentiate between hand-outs to repressive dictatorships (including Israel for its dictatorial rule over the West Bank) and charitable works to end disease and poverty in the Third World. It's the right thing to do, in the first place, and we all know that unchecked diseases in Africa don't stay in Africa forever.
<<Instead of sending $24 billion a year to other countries in the form of aid, that money should just be spent within our borders.>>
There were studies that show that most of the "foreign aid" the U.S. gives is in fact spent in the U.S.A. As a matter of fact, I think there might be legislation mandating that a minimum percentage of foreign aid given be spent in the U.S.
<<You realize that 40% of the total of charitable aid to other countries comes from the US government? The whole rest of the world together - plus US private contributions - account for the other 60%?>>
Yeah but in most cases of foreign aid to the Third World, the U.S. has probably ripped off more than 40% of whatever was ripped off from those countries by First World exploitation. I really think Americans should stop patting themselves on the back for their "foreign aid." It's a drop in the bucket compared to the devastation and rip-offs they've committed against Third World countries and the focus should really be set on the actual poverty and misery that exists, not on how "wonderful" America has been. Somebody should start to ask the hard questions, IF America really has been so consistently wonderful and beneficient to those poor countries, how come they keep sinking deeper and deeper into the shit?