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The New Atheists
« on: June 11, 2007, 11:23:36 AM »
The New Atheists

[from the June 25, 2007 issue]

What began with publisher W.W. Norton taking a chance on a gutsy, hyperbolic and idiosyncratic attack on religion by a graduate student in neuroscience has grown into a remarkable intellectual wave. No fewer than five books by the New Atheists have appeared on bestseller lists in the past two years--Sam Harris's The End of Faith and Letter to a Christian Nation, Daniel Dennett's Breaking the Spell, Richard Dawkins's The God Delusion and now Christopher Hitchens's God Is Not Great. The scandalized media have both attacked and inflated the phenomenon. After the New York Times Book Review, for example, ran a thoughtful review of Harris and then a negative front-page review of Dawkins, the daily paper published two weak op-ed attacks on the writers and a vapid article on how atheists celebrate Christmas, followed by tongue-in-cheek admiration in the Book Review for Hitchens's ability to promote his career by saying the unexpected.

Despite such dubious blessings, the four have become must-read writers. The most remarkable fact is not their books themselves--blunt, no-holds-barred attacks on religion in different registers--but that they have succeeded in reaching mainstream readers and in becoming bestsellers. Is this because Americans are beginning to get fed up with the religiosity of the past several years? It would be comforting if we could explain this as a cultural signal of the end of the right-wing/evangelical ascendancy. Such speculations are probably wishful thinking--book buyers are such a small slice of the population that few sociologists would stake their careers on claiming that book buyers' preferences reflect anything like a national mood.

The success of the New Atheists may, however, reflect something significant among their audience. In the past generation in the United States, atheists, agnostics and secular humanists have been a timid minority--almost voiceless, often on the defensive, routinely derided, both warned against and ignored. As Susan Jacoby pointed out in her book Freethinkers, it is symptomatic of the situation that the most dramatic presidential address in generations took place in the National Cathedral three days after September 11, 2001, so filled with religious language that it sounded like a sermon. It was delivered by a President flanked by Jewish, Muslim and Christian representatives, a model of religious inclusiveness, without anyone standing alongside them representing the tens of millions of nonreligious Americans. At this most important collective moment in our recent history, it was as if they did not exist. This is what the polls are telling us: Virtually everyone in America believes in God.

We know how zealously the conservative Christian denominations have politicized themselves in the past generation, how the GOP has harnessed this energy by embracing their demands--opposing stem-cell research, gay marriage and abortion rights, championing government aid to religious schools and faith-based social programs--and by appointing sympathetic judges. So effectively have they framed the issues that, according to the Pew Research Center's 2006 report on religion and public life, fully 69 percent of Americans believe that liberals have "gone too far in trying to keep religion out of schools and government."

We commonly hear that only a tiny percentage of Americans don't believe in God and that, as a Newsweek poll claimed this spring, 91 percent do. In fact, this is not true. How many unbelievers are there? The question is difficult to assess accurately because of the challenges of constructing survey questions that do not tap into the prevailing biases about religion. According to the American Religious Identification Survey, which interviewed more than 50,000 people, more than 29 million adults--one in seven Americans--declare themselves to be without religion. The more recent Baylor Religion Survey ("American Piety in the 21st Century") of more than 1,700 people, which bills itself as "the most extensive and sensitive study of religion ever conducted," calls for adjusting this number downward to exclude those who believe in a God but do not belong to a religion. Fair enough. But Baylor's own Gallup survey is a bit shaky for at least two reasons. It counts anyone who believes in a "higher power" but not God as believing in God--casting a vast net over adherents of everything from spirit to history to love. Yet the study allows unbelievers only one option: to not believe in "anything beyond the physical world," leaving no space for those who regard themselves as agnostics or skeptics, secularists or humanists. Contrast this with a more recent and more nuanced Financial Times/Harris poll of Europeans and Americans that allowed respondents to declare agnosticism as well as atheism: 18 percent of the more than 2,000 American respondents chose one or the other, while 73 percent affirmed belief in God or a supreme being.

A more general issue affects American surveys on religious beliefs, namely, the "social desirability effect," in which respondents are reluctant to give an unpopular answer in a society in which being religious is the norm. What happens when questions are framed to overcome this distortion? The FT/H poll tried to counteract it by allowing space not only for the customary "Not sure" but also for "Would prefer not to say"--and 6 percent of Americans chose this as their answer to the question of whether they believed in God or a supreme being. Add to this those who declared themselves as atheists or agnostics and, lo and behold, the possible sum of unbelievers is nearly one in four Americans.

All this helps explain the popularity of the New Atheists--Americans as a whole may not be getting too much religion, but a significant constituency must be getting fed up with being routinely marginalized, ignored and insulted. After all, unbelievers are concentrated at the higher end of the educational scale--a recent Harris American poll shows that 31 percent of those with postgraduate education do not avow belief in God (compared with only 14 percent of those with a high school education or less). The percentage rises among professors and then again among professors at research universities, reaching 93 percent among members of the National Academy of Sciences. Unbelievers are to be found concentrated among those whose professional lives emphasize science or rationality and who also have developed a relatively high level of confidence in their own intellectual faculties. And they are frequently teachers or opinion-makers.

But over the past generation they have come to feel beleaguered and, except for rare individuals like comedian and talk-show host Bill Maher, voiceless in the public arena. The great success of the New Atheists is to have reached them, both speaking to and for them. These writers are devoted, with sledgehammer force and angry urgency, to "breaking the spell" cast by the religious ascendancy, to overcoming a situation in which every other area of life can be critically analyzed while admittedly irrational religious faith is made central to American life but exempted from serious discussion.

This does not make for restraint. Harris displays brash self-confidence, Hitchens and Dawkins angry intellectual bite and Dennett an inexhaustible theoretical energy and range of inquiry. Harris excoriates religious moderates, accusing them of providing cover for fundamentalists at home and abroad by refusing to contest the extremists' premises--because they share them. More upbeat, Dennett is devoted to creating the intellectual conditions for future discussions, in which religion will be treated as just another "natural" phenomenon and accordingly subjected to critical scrutiny. Dawkins bulldozes his way through every major argument for religious belief, and a great many minor ones. And Hitchens endlessly catalogues religion's crimes and absurdities. Each man is at war, writing as if no others had preceded him, and with a passion that can only be described as political.

Above all, each sees himself as breaking a taboo. This explains not only the vigor and urgency of these books, their mainstream character and their publishing success but also the common refrain in reviews that they have "gone too far." Of course they have, because their many faults are often inseparable from their strengths. Self-indulgence is their common flaw: Dennett and Dawkins might have considered their readers more and disciplined their own need to follow out every line of thought, while Harris is so full of his point of view that he, like Hitchens, is unable to consider faith as anything but stupid. They show little understanding of religion or interest in it [see Daniel Lazare, "Among the Disbelievers," May 28]. Still, I am surprised by the hostility and bemusement expressed toward them by their fellow travelers in The New York Review of Books, The New Yorker and The London Review of Books. In attacking religion the four have been breaking the taboo against talking about it seriously, and they may be forgiven for not being calmer, more expert or more measured. Doing battle with what they see as the most pervasive and bothersome phenomenon in American life during the past generation, Harris, Dennett, Dawkins and Hitchens deserve praise for their courage and tenacity in shattering its spell.

Where does the work of the New Atheists leave us? I hope they have roused a significant portion of America from its timidity. But to what end? Living without God means turning toward something. To flourish we need coherent secular popular philosophies that effectively answer life's vital questions. Enlightenment optimism once supplied unbelievers with hope for a better world, whether this was based on Marxism, science, education or democracy. After Progress, after Marxism, is it any wonder atheism fell on hard times? Restoring secular confidence will take much positive work as well as the fierce attacks on religion by our atheist champions. On a societal level, as Ronald Inglehart and Pippa Norris point out in Sacred and Secular, living without God requires creating conditions in which people are free from the kinds of existential vulnerability that have marked all human societies until the advent of Europe's postindustrial welfare states. Markedly more religious than any of them, the United States provides a life that is far more unequal and far more insecure.

The surprising response to the New Atheist offensive should thus inspire us to think politically as well as philosophically. As a first step this demands creating a coalition between unbelievers and their natural allies, secular-minded believers. I am speaking first about many millions of Americans who nominally belong to a religion but effectively live without any active relationship either to it or to God, or belong to a church and attend services but are "tacit atheists," living day in and day out with only token reference to God. And I also include the many believers who accept the principle of America as a secular society. These include members of the liberal Jewish and Christian denominations, who have long practice in accommodating themselves to science and the modern world and who, as the National Council of Churches website tells us, may remain inspired by Genesis while not needing to take it in "literal, factual terms." Many of these turned up in the most significant finding of the Baylor survey, namely that more than one in four American "believers" does not mean by this a personal God at all but a distant God who has little or nothing to do with the world or themselves. This sounds very much like the deist God of "unbelievers" Thomas Jefferson and Thomas Paine.

These believers, along with those who think of themselves as "spiritual," as well as professed unbelievers, help to explain why according to the Pew study so many Americans--32 percent--want less religious influence on government. Twenty-four percent say that President Bush talks too much about his religious faith and prayer, and 28 percent deny that the United States is a Christian nation. Most dramatically, a whopping 49 percent believe that Christian conservatives have gone too far "in trying to impose their religious values on the country." This, then, is an unreported secret of American life: Considerable numbers of Americans, religious and secular, are becoming fed up with the in-your-face religion that has come to mark our society.

Until now the most vocal left-of-center response to the Christian right, for example by Sojourners, has been to call for more religion in politics, not less. In early June the group organized a nationally televised forum at which John Edwards, Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton testified to their faith, talking about the "hand of God" (Edwards), forgiveness (Obama) and prayer (Clinton). Few loud-and-clear voices have been agitating in the mainstream on behalf of the separation of church and state, for secular and public education, or demanding less rather than more political discussion of religion. Yet tens of millions of Americans worry about such things.

Whether most of them continue to believe in God matters much less than that they are comfortable with secular knowledge and America's secular Constitution. Barry Lynn, for example, executive director of Americans United for Separation of Church and State, is a Protestant minister. Although Harris and Dawkins castigate all believers for sharing the premises of conservative Christians, the fact is that many believers could easily be working with out-and-out atheists and agnostics on key issues.

Such a coalition should take the offensive on behalf of American constitutional promises of a secular society, increasingly under threat from Bush's Supreme Court appointments. It will gain support in unexpected places: Judge John Jones III, a Bush appointee, delivered a devastating blow to the forces behind "intelligent design" in his December 2005 decision in the Dover School Board case. The first half of his impressive decision contains a crystal-clear reflection on what science is and why intelligent design, a refurbished form of creationism, is religion, not science. The second half reads like a whodunit, revealing how a minority on the school board conspired to impose intelligent design on the district. It should be a rallying point for the nearly half of all Americans who are disturbed by right-wing religious attempts to impose their faith on the rest of us. An immediate goal should be a call for the publication and widest possible distribution of the Dover decision. It could become another bestseller--by a conservative judge no less!--and a text for civics, current events, history, law and basic science classes.

A second goal of such a coalition might be a campaign to reorient American thinking about atheists and atheism. In recent polls, far more respondents have declared themselves willing to vote for a woman or African-American for President than for an atheist--atheists are more unpopular than gays. Television news viewers are encouraged to nod in agreement with such ageless gibes as "There are no atheists in foxholes" without seeing just how nasty they are. This obnoxious remark, by Katie Couric on NBC's Today show, drew a few complaints and letters, but no wider protests or apology. A coalition determined to widen the range of socially acceptable belief could make a significant difference on such issues.

A broad secular coalition could also demand more nuanced discussion of the range of belief and unbelief in America today. Rather than consciously or unconsciously promoting religious belief, public opinion research should try to register a full range of beliefs, including the interesting and perplexing ways in which people live secular as well as religious lives and their sometimes contradictory combinations. These are rejected by Harris, Dawkins, Dennett and Hitchens, and ignored by the media and mainstream politicians.

Finally, such an alliance could become one place where Dennett's goal of discussing religion openly and critically--as well as atheism and agnosticism--could begin to be realized. A number of questions might be explored: What, for example, is the common ground and what are the differences between believers and unbelievers? And--I save for last the touchiest question of all--shouldn't all Americans be instructed in the great religious and secular traditions, as well as their greatest books? After all, achieving literacy in both religion and secularism might allow us to discuss them more intelligently.

Michael Tee

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Re: The New Atheists
« Reply #1 on: June 11, 2007, 12:22:57 PM »
You know this guy's on to something.  For years I used to listen to the drivel of the "faith community" or whatever the hell they're calling themselves today and it went in one ear and out the other.   But some kind of backlash must be building up.  That CNN late-night special on Faith of the Candidates was kind of like the last straw, especially the vapid and inane questions put to Hillary, Obama and Edwards, and the unabashed brown-nosing they all displayed in answering.  Ridiculous crap.  The day is coming when these people will be reduced to the dweeb status they had enjoyed through most of my adult life.  No political influence, no entertainment industry influence and no moral influence.  Back into the tepid pond of irrelevance and dweebitude from which they sprung.


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Re: The New Atheists
« Reply #2 on: June 11, 2007, 12:31:18 PM »
Nice thought provokeing peice.

A second goal of such a coalition might be a campaign to reorient American thinking about atheists and atheism. In recent polls, far more respondents have declared themselves willing to vote for a woman or African-American for President than for an atheist--atheists are more unpopular than gays. Television news viewers are encouraged to nod in agreement with such ageless gibes as "There are no atheists in foxholes" without seeing just how nasty they are. This obnoxious remark, by Katie Couric on NBC's Today show, drew a few complaints and letters, but no wider protests or apology. A coalition determined to widen the range of socially acceptable belief could make a significant difference on such issues.

Do Athiests really volenteer to fight just as often as any other sort?

This does not make for restraint. Harris displays brash self-confidence, Hitchens and Dawkins angry intellectual bite and Dennett an inexhaustible theoretical energy and range of inquiry. Harris excoriates religious moderates, accusing them of providing cover for fundamentalists at home and abroad by refusing to contest the extremists' premises--because they share them. More upbeat, Dennett is devoted to creating the intellectual conditions for future discussions, in which religion will be treated as just another "natural" phenomenon and accordingly subjected to critical scrutiny. Dawkins bulldozes his way through every major argument for religious belief, and a great many minor ones. And Hitchens endlessly catalogues religion's crimes and absurdities. Each man is at war, writing as if no others had preceded him, and with a passion that can only be described as political.

Isn't this also known as intolerance?


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Re: The New Atheists
« Reply #3 on: June 11, 2007, 12:33:02 PM »
You know this guy's on to something.  For years I used to listen to the drivel of the "faith community" or whatever the hell they're calling themselves today and it went in one ear and out the other.   But some kind of backlash must be building up.  That CNN late-night special on Faith of the Candidates was kind of like the last straw, especially the vapid and inane questions put to Hillary, Obama and Edwards, and the unabashed brown-nosing they all displayed in answering.  Ridiculous crap.  The day is coming when these people will be reduced to the dweeb status they had enjoyed through most of my adult life.  No political influence, no entertainment industry influence and no moral influence.  Back into the tepid pond of irrelevance and dweebitude from which they sprung.

Could be a good idea , we do tend to thrive better in an atmosphere of persecution .
Perhaps we have had it too easy ?


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Re: The New Atheists
« Reply #4 on: June 11, 2007, 01:04:49 PM »
Living without God means turning toward something. To flourish we need coherent secular popular philosophies that effectively answer life's vital questions.

Nietzsche already answered this.

The opinion of Europe is incorrect here. Look at the former Communist states that had higher church attendance than they do now. Europeans did not replace their belief in God with some sort of socialist/Marxist atheism. Look at the youngest generation in Europe. They replaced it with complete individualism and pure capitalism.

Read Nietzsche, he saw the murder of God as one of the most horrific moments in mankind, and called everyone (or at least those who believed as he did) the murderers and asked what will they do? How can they possibly replace what they have murdered? They all had blood on their hands.

The answer was that after a period of horrible violence and destruction, it would be individualism that replaced God. Selfish-driven egotism was required of humanity as the only means to form a society that could prospet and survive without God.

And what do we have? In Europe and the United States we have nations and philosophies driven by egoism and the idea that pure selfishness will create a better society. We even have churches that offer silence to those ideas or condone them in some way or another. People replace God with themselves. It is nothing new, only impressive in its pervasiveness.

And who can blame a lot of young people?

1. They see a society that places material wealth above everything.
2. They also see a society that is focused on the individual. It is all about "me."
3. Often when they are exposed to religion, they see a persecuting religion. "We are called to judge."
4. Rarely do they see Christ and His work in modern society, or even in the work of religion.

While none of that is an excuse per se, I can certainly empathize with the difficulties of todays young people in modern society.
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Re: The New Atheists
« Reply #5 on: June 11, 2007, 01:14:07 PM »
<<Could be a good idea , we do tend to thrive better in an atmosphere of persecution .>>

That's just what my dad used to say.  "Without anti-Semitism there wouldn't be any Jews."

Would you like to be persecuted, plane?  Anything I can do to help?  (Just kidding, of course - - you're a cool dude, plane, and certainly no dweeb!  My comments were directed to the "faith community" generally, as I remember them.)


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Re: The New Atheists
« Reply #6 on: June 11, 2007, 01:23:08 PM »
Can you explain, JS, why a secular philosophy cannot produce transcendent values and provide the axis around which a vital civilization can flourish?


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Re: The New Atheists
« Reply #7 on: June 11, 2007, 01:34:05 PM »
Can you explain, JS, why a secular philosophy cannot produce transcendent values and provide the axis around which a vital civilization can flourish?

Is this something you really wish to discuss Domer, or just something with which to attack the Church?
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Re: The New Atheists
« Reply #8 on: June 11, 2007, 01:43:42 PM »
My motives are none of your business, choirboy, my question, however, abides on its merit.


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Re: The New Atheists
« Reply #9 on: June 11, 2007, 01:58:27 PM »
Can you explain, JS, why a secular philosophy cannot produce transcendent values and provide the axis around which a vital civilization can flourish?

Well, heathen, I'm not so sure that a society could not flourish under a secular philosophy. I suppose that depends greatly upon one's definition of a "flourishing society."

I'm not one who thinks that nations are punished or rewarded based on how society acts or believes, nor do I believe that America falls under any divine providence (no more so than Britain, where many believe the same thing).

So yes, secular societies can succeed. Christianity has never been about heaven on this Earth.
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Re: The New Atheists
« Reply #10 on: June 11, 2007, 06:25:34 PM »
Can you explain, JS, why a secular philosophy cannot produce transcendent values and provide the axis around which a vital civilization can flourish?

I has been tried.

What was it that kept the people of Russia from learning to love t?


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Re: The New Atheists
« Reply #11 on: June 12, 2007, 05:45:16 AM »
"There are no atheists in foxholes"

Do Athiests really volenteer to fight just as often as any other sort?

The quote has nothing to do with who volunteers to fight. It is based on the assumption that, when faced with a life or death situation - such as armed combat - even atheists will call upon god or some higher power for aid.

I've been stabbed, shot at, and stared down the business end of a 12-gauge shotgun. I don't recall god ever crossing my mind either time. I guess whoever made up that quote was full of --it.
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Re: The New Atheists
« Reply #12 on: June 12, 2007, 10:29:09 AM »
<<What was it that kept the people of Russia from learning to love t?>>

What is communism if not love of the workers and peasants on a practical and material level?


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Re: The New Atheists
« Reply #13 on: June 12, 2007, 12:25:23 PM »
<<What was it that kept the people of Russia from learning to love t?>>

What is communism if not love of the workers and peasants on a practical and material level?

No wonder it fell apart.


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Re: The New Atheists
« Reply #14 on: June 12, 2007, 12:48:17 PM »
Remember that Europe suffered quite a bit from World War II.

For a great many Christians and Jews in post-war Europe, they had a very difficult time reconciling their beliefs with the tragedies of the war itself and the Holocaust. It is popular now to view Nazism as some sort of pagan/occult amalgamation, but if you read Main Kampf or listen to Hitler's speeches you will notice that he places great emphasis on Christianity in both Nazi philosophies and his own personal philosophy as well. Moreover, Fascism relied heavily on Christianity (and indeed Christian fascists were common enough) as it was an important uniting theme to counter the divisive class view of the Socialists and Communists. In order to unite the disparate right-wing parties, Christianity was very important in all of the countries where Fascism made strong inroads.

Much of this spirit of postmodernism and nihilism (at least towards the structures and traditions of pre-war Europe) did not hit the United States because quite frankly, we were not as consumed by the war and the devestation as Europeans were. For example, when Edward R Murrow broadcast what he saw at Buchenwald, he received complaints for being too detailed. Despite our entry into the war, and what many soldiers and journalists saw - America as a whole were still insulated. Europeans, for the most part, could not help but be exposed to the horrors in some way or another.

For that generation, there was a conscious choice towards religion. Some, like Camus and Sartre became well known atheists and respected authors (but notably did not offer a counter philosophy). Some Jewish and Christian theologians even offered the theory that God is in fact dead. For John XXIII it became time to "throw open the windows of the Church so that we can see out and the people can see in." Others reacted the opposite and wished to become entrenched in ever more conservative ideology. The reactions clearly differed, but the pain and guilt of World War II and the Holocaust was etched on the souls of many Europeans.

For the modern generation it is much different. Ideology is generally frowned upon. It is an era where there are no iron curtains and the old hostilities between Catholics and Protestants and Communists and Capitalists are seen as backwards. Everyone is a neoliberal of some degree. The difference between Tony Blair and David Cameron is mostly in style, not substance. The individual and individual rights are the most important part of everyday life. Just like here, the top stories are on jailed wealthy heiresses and people are eating too much fast food.

Even the overwhelmingly Catholic nation of Portugal voted to extend abortion rights, because it is a matter for the individual. Adverts, stock watching, and the latest fashions are what makes people's day in the trendiest sections of the big cities, no different than the United States.
I smell something burning, hope it's just my brains.
They're only dropping peppermints and daisy-chains
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   Tell me lies about Vietnam.