<<While far-out liberals like Crane foam at the mouth about Bush's evil ways -- all the way from "he started the war for pecuniary gain (oil)" to "he simply lied our way into this war" to all sorts of equally asinine concoctions of evil motives finding evil outlets >>
This far-out liberal would like to correct some common misrepresentations about why we foam at the mouth.
Although I plead guilty to having, for simplicity's sake or rhetorical exaggeration stated that Bush started the war for oil, I think it's fair to say that in my more thoughtful postings (yes, there were some!) i made it clear that oil was probably a factor - - and a big factor - - in the decision, it was not the only factor.
A more accurate description of my idea of how the war started is this:
We know that the stated reasons were false. The real reasons for war had absolutely nothing to do with WMD or with the wish to bring democracy to a democracy-starved nation. Both those reasons are, on their faces, ludicrous and absurd. They bear no resemblance whatever to the past six decades of U.S. foreign policy and serve no economic interest related to the interests of any of the major financial backers of either American political party. The real reasons for the war were geopolitical or geostrategic. The main reasons probably included: control of Middle East oil production, starting with Iraq; making an example of an out-of-control satrap who had decided to price his country's oil in euros rather than dollars, a potentially disastrous development for the U.S. dollar, which had to be stopped in its tracks. Another powerful reason which may well have produced the war was the misguided need to publicly avenge the insult of September 11, which was a terrible blow to American prestige all over the world.
I have also stated that the invasion of Iraq was undertaken for the benefit of the State of Israel. This I have reconsidered especially in the light of comments from Noam Chomsky, certainly no friend of Zionism in its current incarnation, and I believe the real role of Israel in the invasion is as follows: Israeli military and government circles were extremely anxious for the U.S. to attack Iraq, just as they are currently hungering for a U.S. attack on Iran, and in both cases have done everything they could to promote and support such attacks. This would include manufacturing false intelligence as required to (a) convince the American ruling class to make the strike but much more importantly, to help that ruling class (which was already determined, for its own reasons, to invade) to sell the war to a reluctant American public. It would also include direct and indirect sponsorship of American "intellectuals," writers and commentators (good examples of which are Jonah Goldberg, Michael Ledeen, Victor Davis Hanson, et al.) to churn out pro-war, pro-military garbage by the ton. And it would also include direct military assistance in the form of advanced weaponry, counter-insurgency "advisors," etc. Embedded throughout the Bush administration and its supporters are or were Zionist neocons, such as Douglas Feith, Wolfowicz, Richard Perle and others - - described by Zbigniew Brzezinski as "neocons with a special interest in the Middle East" (wink, wink, nudge, nudge) - - who have consistently pushed for and supported war against Iran and Iraq. Nevertheless, despite Zionist pressure in all its forms (I neglected to mention AIPAC - - sorry, AIPAC!) I believe, as does Chomsky, that the U.S. government acted on its own motivation regardless of what Israel wanted or what was good for Israel. This is consistent with the history of US policy and with common sense. There was a congruence of desire for war and bloodshed, but what the Israelis hoped for was not a motivating factor in the decision ultimately taken to invade.
So, "It's all about oil" is an oversimplification. But I would still think that oil was the most important factor.
As far as, "He lied us into war," that is a slam-dunk, my friend. The war was "sold" to the public on an unprecedented (not really) campaign of blatant lies, forgeries and deceptions that would have done credit to Josef Goebbels. I really don't see how any intelligent individual can deny that.