<<like I said, those bastard Founders, daring to push liberty on us common folk when the end goal is of course for the Government to take care of all us, such as universal healthcare for all.>>
No, the goal of the founders was not universal health care for all. Nor was it a Darwinian race for survival where the economically unfit and their children would sicken and perish for their inablility to purchase the costly necessities of medical care in the 21st Century in a free-for-all competition with the whole populace participating. The founders probably weren't even thinking about health insurance and its affordability, because there was no such thing in their time. What they did was bequeath to you a system wherein arguments could be made for and against any kind of health care system imaginable and the people through their elected representatives would decide.
<<We, including the middle to low middle classes, all paying for the healthcare of George Soros, Rush Limbaugh, Bill Gates for crying out loud. >>
Well, means tests for eligibility have been investigated and they are just not cost-effective. People with the financial clout of those you mentioned are relatively rare amongst 300,000,000 Americans. Since they usually don't have to earn their daily bread in coal mines, night shifts at the convenience store in the ghetto, putting out fires or erecting buildings, their demands on the health-care system are probably less than the average Americans and in any event are statistically speaking a drop in the proverbial bucket.
<< Funny how liberty is so repulsive when people dont voluntarily do what you conclude they must do, yet jump all over the term when you're grossly misrepresenting & distorting the Justice Dept's wiretapping program. >>
Funny how you seem to equate a doctor's freedom to charge exorbitant fees for his services with the freedom of every citizen to express his thoughts freely without worrying that Big Brother may be listening in.
<< Then again, I've gotten used to the tact....>>
What, to logic and common sense? To reliance upon fact instead of hyperbole? Good, sirs, you are making progress.
<<ends (the complete vilification of anything & everything Bush) justify the means (distort, misrepresent, ignore reality and facts contradictory to one's already made up mind,>>
Oh, like the breach of international law in invading Iraq and the deaths of 600,000 is justified by the ends of bringing them "democracy? " Or were you referring to the ends of national security justifying the means of torture? You really should be more specific, sirs.
<<even lie when need be). SOP>>
I don't lie. Ever. Perhaps through some extreme dysfunction of normal brain function common to crypto-fascists, er, I mean conservatives like you, you have managed to confuse me with your "President" or some member of his administration.