<<while the left was blaming the right since 911 "happened on Bush's watch". >>
Well guess what? It DID happen on Bush's watch. Something that it was his duty (not Clinton's) to prevent, he didn't prevent.
Sorry, I'm not buying into "Blame Clinton for 911." Clinton got through two terms without any shit like that happening, so he must have been doing a good enough job. Bush knew everything that Clinton had done, the good and the bad, the successes and the failures - - he inherited the net outcome of the Clinton administration and from Inauguration Day on forward, it was his (Bush's) watch. If Clinton had fucked up, he knew (or could have or should have known) about the fuck-up; now it was up to him to take extra-special precautions to compensate for the Clinton fuckups (if in fact there were any.) But, Bush being Bush, he did jackshit - - and was caught with his pants down.
Sorry, sirs, if the ship hits an iceberg, blame the captain who hit it - - not the guy who used to be captain before.