I'm not sure what Js problem is on this one, though i don't envy the position he's put himself in. I hope Js realizies I'm not claiming he's hoping for more 911's, hoping for more death and maiming at the hands of terrorists. It also helps explain why he had such a hard time answering my question as to what price do we pay for minimizing the threat of militant Islam, and all we got was "it'd be dangerous". What I'm claiming is this apparent need to ignore the threat (yes, minimize it), that it's just coming from some whacked out Muslims, and has no real following. We just be a tad more diligent & leave everyone else alone, and all will be right as rain.
The PROBLEM is that in order for Js to come around to recognizing the threat of militant Islam, it will apparently require the death and maiming I referenced above, of thousands more innocent men, women, & children. 911 wasn't enough. All the decapitations and burning civilians to death isn't enough. The mass rounding up & killing of Iraqi police recruits isn't enough. All the terrorist attacks all acrosss the globe, over the last 2 decades, isn't enough. Just empty rhetoric. Personally, I'm supporting the effort to prevent such a fruition.