<p>If they will allow this to get out then we need only bide our time till it is revealed that the insurgents that the US were "inadvertently" funding, will turn out to be, just as I have prophecied, to be these kind of mercenaries.
<p>As with everything that they have done, BushCo doesn't think that rules apply to them. They are thinking on a whole 'nother level that doesn't involve honor, truth or any of the regular folk ideas that you and I consider to be necessary, desired and encouraged. BushCo types only have goals and they only need to find and use/abuse different means to attain their goals.
<p>In their eyes, "Americans" are not who they are out to protect nor are they even out to protect anyone other than their own personal selves and whoever they perceive as necessary to their own personal goals. Cheney will protect Bush only as long as he is considered necessary. This is a group of people who lived around parapolitics and black ops and subterfuge as a way of life for nearly all of their adult lives. The thinking they use for everything they do with their power is born of that CIA/psyops/blackops/ mentality. They are rife with paranoia. They are constantly questioning every action of anyone who they think may influence events or outcomes of long-planned schemes.
<p> If paying mercenaries to fight "insurgents" is necessary for whatever their true goal is, then they will do it. If paying insurgents who may kill some US soldiers is necessary to acheive their goals, then they will do it. If keeping their imaginary war going by paying everyone to fight for cameras is necessary to maintain whatever their true goals are, then they will do it. No rule applies to them. No norm applies to them in their minds. No law applies to them.
<h2 class="title">Private contractors in Iraq stage “parallel surge.â€
<p>“Private security companies, funded by billions of dollars in U.S. military and State Department contracts,
are fighting insurgents on a widening scale in Iraq, enduring daily attacks, returning fire and taking hundreds of casualties that have been underreported and sometimes concealed, according to U.S. and Iraqi officials and company representatives.â€
<p>While the military has built up troops in an ongoing campaign to secure Baghdad, the security companies, out of public view, have been engaged in a parallel surge, boosting manpower, adding expensive armor and stepping up evasive action as attacks increase, the officials and company representatives said.
<p>The majority of the more than 100 security companies operate outside of Iraqi law, in part because of bureaucratic delays and corruption in the Iraqi government licensing process, according to U.S. officials.