The soaring salary levels of doctors are worsening the NHS cash crisis. Two-thirds of NHS trusts are in deficit and have cancelled operations and extended waiting times. Primary care trusts, including those in Yorkshire, Sheffield, Norfolk and Surrey, have ordered GPs to delay referrals to save money.
Yes, NHS Trusts are an interesting thing unto themselves. They are part of the "internal market" of the NHS, which is a Thatcherite invention modified by John Major and Tony Blair to allow local markets and decision-making into the NHS. Basically, some NHS Trusts run remarkably well and others run not-so-well. Some are really and truly in debt and in need of more funding, others are in debt because that's how they can get the Government to provide more funds.
So I don't see that Moynihan is painting a false picture.
Oh, I think you're missing a huge question from your list. Ask the British if they prefer the NHS or the American healthcare system? I think you'll be amazed at the answer.
More than that, you have to look at the polls themselves. Consider the following article from the BBC:
LinkBy no means is the NHS perfect. If you try to place any healthcare system against perfection it will fail. There is no utopian answer, whether in Libertarianism or Socialism.
What you will not see in Britain is David Cameron or Gordon Brown calling for an end to the NHS. Hell, even Thatcher didn't do that, though she may have been the closest to actually wanting to (perhaps Tebbit).
And my first question about the Tories and New Labor removing universal free higher education is, was there an issue with funding?
Not really. The issue, as always, is with prioritisation. There are plans from some MP's in all three parties to bring it back. Other EU states still have it. A budget is first and foremost a policy document and budgeting itself is the task of prioritising resources. In this case it was an easy target and the idea of equality has been assaulted by both the right and left for a few decades now, to the point that the political ramifications for New Labour were minimal.
After all, a Government can spend its money on all sorts of other useless shit, why should you bother educating the public?