<<You'll let us know when we start high fiving and giving medals to those who behead and burn people alive, k? >>
Yeah sure I'll let you know. It's already happened. Ask that schmuck John McCain who all that napalm he dropped landed on. Find out how many decorations were given out for bathing Falluja in willie peter. And ask anyone what bomb or shell your Army uses that kills people without beheading them.
Leave it to Tee to have to go back to Vietnam, when our smart bombs weren't so smart to try and lay claim to the same actions being done now. Leave it to Tee to reference more tragic collateral death as analogus to AlQeada beheading someone on TV for all to see. You're beyond pathetic, Tee
Yet, I understand. Must fit template, must fit template. U.S. = evil. U.S. military = worse than evil, worse than even AlQeada. Everything MUST feed that template, so the above grotesque rationalizations are thus employed. Doesn't matter that when we do find soldiers that went south in their conduct, they're brought up on charges and prosecuted. Doesn't matter all the efforts we go to to avoid innocent civilian death. Doesn't matter how much effort we put into using smart weapons. Doesn't matter how many american Deaths are at the result of going door to door thru neighborhoods. In fact, that's one of the crowning hypocritical cries. When the U.S is using artillary or stand off weapons, they're cowards for not getting "down and dirty" with the enemy. When they go toe to toe, they're bastards for any collateral death that occurs then, when the enemy is hiding among and behind them. Must fit template, must fit template, U.S military is worse than AlQeada, all of whom are low hanging barbaric rapists, because..............Tee says so