Bullshit. You state that <<Michael Yon has just posted a report of an entire farming village liquidated by al-Qaeda "fighters">>
In fact, even the Michael Yon article says that "parts of six bodies" were recovered. Also states that they didn't all appear to have been "murdered" at the same time. Murdered by whom, if murdered at all? Doesn't seem clear at this point if they were murdered by Americans, by Iraqi puppet regime soldiers or by Resistance fighters.
The caption to one of the photos refers to al Qaeda fighters cutting the heads off children, while Michael Yon then thoughtfully ponders, hmmm, did they cut the heads off the children in front of their parents or did they kill the parents first in front of the children? and then in a burst of brilliant inspiration wonders whether they (the evil al Qaeda fighters, naturally, not the Iraqi puppet army or the American invaders,) had forced the fathers to dig the children's graves first. WOW. Maybe they were wearing swastika armbands while they were doing it. Anyway, the basis for the alleged child-killing activities of al Qaeda? A "Kit Carson" scout - - one scout - - had pointed out an Iraqi and alleged that he cut the heads off of children. That oughtta do it - - a traitor's accusation. If a traitor's accusation isn't iron-clad, copper-bound irrefutable proof, well I just don't know. Now al Qaeda cuts the heads off of children.
Well, I dunno. I mean, we already KNOW for a fact that the U.S.M.C. rapes 14-year-old Iraqi girls and then kills them and their family to cover up the crime, but cutting off kids' heads? Just seems somehow kinda extreme to me. Let's hope that it's just a false allegation.
Anyway, to put this thing into some kind of perspective, we know that the estimate of Iraqi dead since the U.S. invasion is somewhere between 100,000 and 600,000 as estimated. Michael Yon apparently found six of them. If the high-end estimate is correct, there are 100,000 groups of six that Iraq can thank the U.S.A. for, and if the low-end estimate is right, only 16,667.
What I found interesting is how a country that breaks every basic rule of international law to conduct a criminal act of aggression can then have the balls to point an accusing finger at their victims and bemoan the suffering caused by their (the Iraqis') savagery and violence. Positively ludicrous.