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Just read it
« on: July 01, 2007, 09:57:59 PM »
Michael Yon has just posted a report of an entire farming village liquidated by al-Qaeda ?fighters? in anticipation of the arrival of American forces

Just read it.

Michael Tee

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Re: Just read it
« Reply #1 on: July 02, 2007, 12:24:35 AM »
Bullshit.  You state that <<Michael Yon has just posted a report of an entire farming village liquidated by al-Qaeda "fighters">>

In fact, even the Michael Yon article says that "parts of six bodies" were recovered.  Also states that they didn't all appear to have been "murdered" at the same time. Murdered by whom, if murdered at all?  Doesn't seem clear at this point if they were murdered by Americans, by Iraqi puppet regime soldiers or by Resistance fighters. 

The caption to one of the photos refers to al Qaeda fighters cutting the heads off children, while Michael Yon then thoughtfully ponders, hmmm, did they cut the heads off the children in front of their parents or did they kill the parents first in front of the children? and then in a burst of brilliant inspiration wonders whether they (the evil al Qaeda fighters, naturally, not the Iraqi puppet army or the American invaders,) had forced the fathers to dig the children's graves first.  WOW.  Maybe they were wearing swastika armbands while they were doing it.  Anyway, the basis for the alleged child-killing activities of al Qaeda?  A "Kit Carson" scout - - one scout - - had pointed out an Iraqi and alleged that he cut the heads off of children.  That oughtta do it - - a traitor's accusation.  If a traitor's accusation isn't iron-clad, copper-bound irrefutable proof, well I just don't know.  Now al Qaeda cuts the heads off of children.

Well, I dunno.  I mean, we already KNOW for a fact that the U.S.M.C. rapes 14-year-old Iraqi girls and then kills them and their family to cover up the crime, but cutting off kids' heads?  Just seems somehow kinda extreme to me.  Let's hope that it's just a false allegation.

Anyway, to put this thing into some kind of perspective, we know that the estimate of Iraqi dead since the U.S. invasion is somewhere between 100,000 and 600,000 as estimated.  Michael Yon apparently found six of them.  If the high-end estimate is correct, there are 100,000 groups of six that Iraq can thank the U.S.A. for, and if the low-end estimate is right, only 16,667.

What I found interesting is how a country that breaks every basic rule of international law to conduct a criminal act of aggression can then have the balls to point an accusing finger at their victims and bemoan the suffering caused by their (the Iraqis') savagery and violence.  Positively ludicrous.


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Re: Just read it
« Reply #2 on: July 02, 2007, 12:28:21 AM »
Keep the faith Mikey.

Maybe the folks here will buy your defensive deflection and minimizing of the actions of YOUR boys.

No sale from me however.

And for once i hope to see PETA get all pie throwing and paintsmearing on your guys for what they did to farm animals.


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Re: Just read it
« Reply #3 on: July 02, 2007, 12:43:52 AM »
<<Maybe the folks here will buy your defensive deflection and minimizing of the actions of YOUR boys.>>

I was looking at it the other way, BT - - maybe the folks back home will buy Yon's rationalization for your country's criminal act of aggression and give the war a few more months' time.

No sale from me however.


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Re: Just read it
« Reply #4 on: July 02, 2007, 12:50:21 AM »
No sale from me however.

Of course not. AQ's work is not done. They have women, children and livestock to kill on their glorious way to instituting sharia law.

That is when they aren't escaping dressed as women.

What a bunch of wussies. 

Michael Tee

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Re: Just read it
« Reply #5 on: July 02, 2007, 01:37:49 AM »
<<What a bunch of wussies.  >>

Doesn't say much for your own armed forces - - 3500 killed and 25,000 -30,000 wounded by a bunch of wussies wearing women's clothing.  Four years of fighting a bunch of wussies in ladies' wear and they still haven't been able to bring it to a close.

What'll happen if they ever have to fight real men?


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Re: Just read it
« Reply #6 on: July 02, 2007, 01:41:24 AM »
What'll happen if they ever have to fight real men?

We'll have to find some first.

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Re: Just read it
« Reply #7 on: July 02, 2007, 01:47:42 AM »
<<We'll have to find some first. >>

I think you already found them in Iraq.  They're fighting you at a tremendous technical disadvantage and held you off for four years and counting.  Despite your tanks, planes, napalm, satellite guidance and night-vision.  The wussies are the U.S. troops, if the Iraqi Resistance had equal weaponry to yours, your casualty count would have forced you out in a matter of months.  The Iraqis stay in the fight on pure balls alone.  Your guys don't even come close.


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Re: Just read it
« Reply #8 on: July 02, 2007, 01:50:09 AM »

The goal is not to decimate the country. The goal is to give them half a chance to set up a functioning democracy.

Why does that scare you so?


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Re: Just read it
« Reply #9 on: July 02, 2007, 04:21:11 AM »
And still more Tee yearning to see even more American blood gushing.        >:(
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Re: Just read it
« Reply #10 on: July 02, 2007, 07:38:41 AM »
<<The goal is not to decimate the country. The goal is to give them half a chance to set up a functioning democracy.>>

Only a moron could believe that shit.  The goal is to grab the oil and beyond that to project American power directly into an area that had threatened America by its independence.  The goal is the same as it always was: control.  The same goal they had in 1956 when they overthrew a real democracy in Iran to instal an American puppet dictator.

The proof is in the PNAC plan itself, which are a matter of public record; in the phony reasons given for the initial attack, which never convinced any other major power except for the former colonialist exploiter, Great Britain; which they didn't even have the balls to bring before the Security Council for a vote because they couldn't stand the humiliation of having their lies and bullshit so publicly rejected by the world; in the historical record of America in the Middle East, where it has shown absolutely zero respect for democracy OR human rights, least of all in Iraq and certainly never in Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Jordan or the West Bank.  As a matter of fact, when the Palestinians finally elected a democratic government last year, the U.S.A. did everything in its power to bring it down.  They want democracy to flourish in Iraq like you want crotch rot to flourish in your balls.

And BTW where do you get off calling ME a twit, after you paste a "wussie" label on men with more balls than your overprotected army will ever have?  Does lack of any intelligent or logical rejoinder give you the right to resort to a personal insult?  Pathetic, BT.  Truly pathetic.

<<Why does that scare you so?>>

Scare me?  If it weren't so fucking tragic in terms of wasted human life, it would amuse me.  That any so-called intelligent human being could believe that bullshit for even one minute.  Try it in the Middle East, anywhere.  You'd be laughed off the stage for such stupidity.


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Re: Just read it
« Reply #11 on: July 02, 2007, 09:47:03 AM »
he proof is in the PNAC plan itself

Please provide the PNAC statement you reference in context.

And if the US wanted to decimate the population of Iraq they would rai death from above.

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Re: Just read it
« Reply #12 on: July 02, 2007, 10:51:43 AM »
Here's the link PNAC and its policy planning.  Much too long for me to reproduce in its entirety, but the part you're looking for, in the context of what the real purpose might be,  is where it talks about the need for forward bases in the Gulf region "transcending" the issues of the Saddam Hussein regime.


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Re: Just read it
« Reply #13 on: July 02, 2007, 12:30:28 PM »
I don't think anyone would claim that al-Qaeda is not guilty of atrocities. Nor should we overlook the fact that people in our military have committed some horrible acts as well (rape and murder, for example).

The problem is that al-Qaeda is not really a major issue in Iraq, no matter how much some people here wish it were so. If Iraq were simply a war of the United States and Iraqi Government versus al-Qaeda then the popularity of this war would be simple and overwhelming. The case for it would be easy.

It would be like an old western where the US Marshall cleans up the town with his trsuted deputy. The outlaws are bad dudes. You shoot them. No one has to even ask why.

Yet, we are dealing with a massive sectarian war with small almost tribal loyalties and a larger issue of Shi'a and Sunni Islam hovering overhead. The administration has done everything but be honest about the situation. At first it was only "Saddam loyalists." Then it was Saddam loyalists and al-Qaeda. When things got really bad it was Syria and Iran's fault. I'm not sure who the bogeyman is right now.

The truth is that we kicked ass in the invasion because we did what we do best. We demolished an army that had no air cover. Just like the Israelis, or the Gulf War. Yet, just like the Israelis in Lebanon, we are horrible at guerilla warfare and population control.

If it was as easy as al-Qaeda is the enemy, we kill them. This insurrection would have already been over. But that isn't reality.
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Re: Just read it
« Reply #14 on: July 02, 2007, 02:02:27 PM »
The reality is that most of the intel comes from tribal sources who are sick of AQ.