<<Well you wouldn't be [aware of torture of Acadians by British forces] would you?>>
I sure as hell would be. You should drive through the (formerly) Acadian villages of P.E.I. and Cape Breton Island. Every one of them has a big Acadian flag flying in front of some public building like a post office or fire hall and plenty of smaller Acadian flags on private residences as well. There wasn't a village anywhere we went that had not been at least partially re-settled by Acadians. These folks are very proud of their culture and very keenly aware of the injustices done to them. If there had been torture, you sure as hell would have heard of it by now, and you would have heard it first from them.
Why on earth would you think that while we know all about the atrocities committed by British troops in the Sepoy Rebellion in India, we would know absolutely nothing about atrocities (if any had occurred) committed by them right here at home?
These discussions are really great for me because I have come to see first-hand how Americans - - well, some Americans - - - (a) love to recount tales of sadistic cruelty carried out by everybody else whether any of it actually happened or not; (b) conveniently forget each and every one of their own examples of sadistic cruelty to others and (c) when they can't avoid the historical facts of what they've done, invent with absolutely no back-up evidence similar atrocities that they claim others much better than they are must have done. Hence we have the allegations that the American veterans of WWII were torturers and murderers (because the American vets of Viet Nam and Iraq were torturers and murderers); that the British who expelled the Cajuns must have tortured them (because the Americans who expelled the Loyalists tortured them.)
You people really have to get over yourselves. Not only are you no better than anybody else, there are numerous historically documented events that would seem to indicate you have acted a lot worse than everybody else. The years of slavery and Jim Crow are excellent examples of all that. Your treatment of the Loyalists was much worse than the comparable British treatment of the Acadians, except that there were no mass expulsions. (How could there be when they were all from the same ethnicity and probably related to one another by blood and marriage?) The most irritating part of these discussions is the assumption that you are somehow fooling the rest of the world. Just how fucking stupid do you think we are, anyway?