from today's AFP, a poll of U.S. public opinion, with an error margin of 3%.
the bad news . . .
<<In late April, left-wing Representative Dennis Kucinich, a long-shot Democratic presidential hopeful, introduced a resolution calling for Cheney's impeachment. To date, the measure has nine listed co-sponsors and a 10th set to sign on when the House returns to work next week.
<<But Democratic leaders appear unlikely to pursue such a course.>>
Is anyone really surprised at those gutless bastards? If the Democratic Party wholeheartedly pushed for an impeachment, the 45% would be well over the 50% mark in a matter of weeks, months at most. Considering the travesty of the Clinton impeachment, this cowardice is going to work well for the Republicans.
Whatever the difficulties, I think the time is really ripe for a new political party in the U.S.A. - - the Democrats have abandoned even the pretense of opposing the ruling class in America.