Al Gore is the only man alive who can save us from Global Warming. Al Gore is that cool.
When the Boogeyman goes to sleep every night, he checks his closet for Al Gore.
Al Gore is not hung like a horse... horses are hung like Al Gore.
Al Gore isn't running for President. Al Gore IS President.
Al Gore only let Bush serve to prove to the world that Republicanism is a totally bankrupt philosophy and practice. It worked.
After Al Gore is elected, Al Gore will turn back time and erase the last seven years.
Al Gore was waiting for America to grow up.
Time waits for no man. Unless that man is Al Gore.
Al Gore will be the first President to win three terms since Roosevelt.
Al Gore always knows the EXACT location of Carmen SanDiego.
Al Gore gave Mona Lisa that smile.
Note: some of these are blatantly stolen. Go ahead, sue me. Al Gore is my lawyer.
Al Gore does not sleep. He waits.
Republicants want to build a wall on the border. To keep Al Gore out.
Al Gore is so smart, he can divide by zero.
Al Gore doesn?t wear a watch, HE decides what time it is.
In 2000, Al Gore should have chosen Al Gore as his running mate.
Tipper is Al Gore's wife. But afterwards, she tips him.
Al Gore is so smart, he counted to infinity - twice.
When Al Gore falls in water, Al Gore doesn't get wet. Water gets Al Gore.
Al Gore CAN believe it's not butter.
Al Gore didn't just invent the internet. All Gore invented science. And fire.
Al Gore can touch MC Hammer.
Al Gore didn't invent color TV. But before Al Gore was born, the world was in Black and White.
It takes Al Gore 20 minutes to watch 60 Minutes.
Some people wear Superman pajamas. Superman wears Al Gore pajamas.
When Al Gore is elected, Al Qaeda will follow us home from Iraq. To surrender.
Al Gore can slam a revolving door.
When the election is over, Al Gore will have won more than 50 states
Al Gore IS that tall. Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
Al Gore just slouches to make the rest of us feel better.
Al Gore can lead a horse to water AND make it drink.
Al Gore can balance the budget. On one finger. While juggling.
Al Gore can win a game of Connect Four in only three moves.
Al Gore did in fact, build Rome in a day.
Al Gore is not running for President. He is strolling to President.