Your speculating Rich. This isn't about the Fairness Doctrine or the FCC. It's about a completely symbolic (read nothing tangible) act, that carry's no legslative weight in any sense of the word. So, there are no tangilble substantive repercussions on the table, as it relates to "burying offensive words". This is all symbolism over substance, so I'm not sure what your beef is, since I, a rabid supporter of the 1st amendment see no problem with this symbolic act, since it is in no way is substantively preventing anyone from spewing garbage.
I mean, Brass was all over himself claiming how Bush had basically declared war, from the pulpit, on anyone who wasn't a Christian,.....minus of course ANY actual validity, quotes, or truth to the accusation. That's nearly as offensive as some of the personal & derogatory terms being considered needing to be buried. You don't see me wanting that garbage prevented. You see me showing it to be the garbage that it is