<<After two million die in a war what is a few hunded thousand dieing in prison count for?
<<I don't absolutely trust these numbers, to me they seem low.
<<Vietnam fought the west for a whole generation just for the right to mistreat its own people and starve them.
<<But that is so much better than haveing individual freedom and prosperity that they are admired for it.
<<As they slowly become less Communist their condition s improving .>>
I don't trust those numbers either - - I looked at the article you found in Wikipedia and the first thing it (Wikipedia) says is that the article is "insufficiently sourced." As you get into the article, you find it's by two unknown reporters apparently of Vietnamese origin, no indication of their families' political affiliation, but since the DART organization they wrote for is run by people fairly high up in the U.S. MSM establishment, it's obvious that both reporters must be from anti-communist refugee families. In the article itself are numerous admissions of the "there are no figures on this, there are no records on that" variety. Various unnamed sources, professors, etc., "estimate" that "one million" were imprisoned, etc. All estimates, all nice round figures, all (presumably) anticommunist. Not even a token attempt to ask the government of Viet Nam one token question about all of this.
Then, as "proof" of the atrocity charges, they take the personal account of one "innocent victim" of the process. ooops, real bad choice of "innocent victim" here - - the guy, a father of seven (GOTTA be an innocent victim, right, he's the "Father" of "Father Knows Best") was actually a Lt. - Colonel of the treasonous, collaborationist South Vietnamese Army. A guy who, IMHO, ought to have been shot as a traitor to his own people, but the "inhumane" new Vietnamese government decides to reeducate him and give him a second chance. Go figure.
So this Lt. Col. ends up in a re-education camp. They make the prisoners build their own barracks, erect the guard towers, etc. and - - are you ready for this? THEY DON'T FEED THEM VERY WELL> (a fuller explanation of the poor prison diet is contained in the article, for those who are interested in fully documenting the inhumanity of Communist Vietnam.) After working all day, the exhausted prisoners are forced to LISTEN TO READINGS OF COMMUNIST AUTHORS and even ANSWER QUESTIONS ABOUT THEM.
From the prisoner's interview:
<<Guards use bamboo canes and rods to beat prisoners who fall asleep or refuse to answer questions. They tie up men and women. Corner them against a wall. Shove them to the ground. Trample their bodies. Kick their heads.>>
Oh, the humanity!! The suffering. Even I gotta admit, sounds . . . not good. Till I think back to Col. John Vann's account of his days in Viet Nam, "A Bright Shining Lie" and its listing of the various tortures inflicted on captured VC prisoners. Truly stomach-turning. These "re-education camps" sound almost like Red Cross rehab hospitals when compared with what their "victims" had done to prisoners in their custody.
This crap continues endlessly. Maybe plane didn't bother to read it all. Maybe plane forgot about the "Tiger Cages" in which South Vietnamese political prisoners were kept by the South Vietnamese government in such cramped conditions that when finally released from years of captivity, their bodies were mis-shapen and permanently deformed, and rickety from years of poor nutrition.
Anyway, plane, suffice to say I am impressed NOT. These tales of woe from Viet Nam sound more and more like an ex post facto attempt to justify the horrendous, illegal, murderous reign of torture and terror imposed by the U.S. and its puppets on South Viet Nam and are just completely unbelievable when they are not being boring and inconsequential. Your facts and numbers about South Viet Nam's "suffering" under communism are just garbage. Bullshit. The "boat people" proof of the horrors of communism proves nothing more than the Cuban boat people prove - - that people are desperate to get out of poor countries and when guaranteed unconditional admission to anyplace they can boat over to, they are prepared to risk their lives at sea for that shot at the gold ring.