Well, allow me to disagree with the venerable rabbi and all others who find that line of reasoning persuasive. The matter is much more transparent; we are not talking about predictions by one of another's behavior (which is a poor way to state the case given the often innumerable contingencies and variables that can play on the studied action). We are talking about the very fabric of reality, and a continuum of time immediate as the the observer (God), who is also the determiner. The human actor, like a stage actor, might go through the motions of choosing (exercising free will) but, in a sense, it is all for the show as the Great Scriptwriter and Director (God) has foreordained everything. Indeed, carrying the analogy one step farther, God is the Marionette and the human is the puppet. This certainly is true at the highest level of consciousness -- and reality -- despite the witting or unwitting action.
That's why this notion is such horseshit. Predestination and its kindred claims have no referant in this world, and to the extent it "exists" at all it exists simply and solely as a theological construct whose utility I never could understand (that is, see a purpose for). I'm quite comfortable with free will and reality unfolding through an infinite series of choices, by every type of creature, intermixed with "fortuities," that is, natural events with scientific explanations.