President Bush is clearly warning that the fight against terror will be long ,which he knew, even if he did not know what theater would be chosen.
Sweet cuppin' cakes! (he said in frustration and bewilderment, and in place of a few choice words of profanity.) Did you even read my post? I'm tired of repeating myself, so just go read it again. Slowly.
"When the war in Iraq was going to be short, I reasoned with myself that Saddam Hussein was a really nasty guy, and if he had the WMD everyone seemed to be saying he had, then I was okay with taking the guy out. The freeing oppressed people narrative appealed to the romantic in me even if I was unsure about the WMD. And now U.S. troops are committed to a conflict with no end in sight. This is something with which I simply cannot agree. "
You can agree , and you will be wrong untill you do.
There may never be an end to evil that needs fighting , but we could indeed choose to join them because we can't beat them , that would not be a good thing.
We could choose to not oppose them , but that would not stop them from attacking us.
Perhaps you may met a patiet with a cronic condition who must fight his disease for the whole rest of his life , you would tell him that with no end in sight you couldn't agree with his haveing treatment?
I do not beleive that the Al Queda will have the staying power that Communism had nor do I think it ikely they will conquer half the Earth as Communism did , but Communism started small and was appealing to the romantic of all thinkers for three generations as it grew from nothing to the fullness of nightmare darkening half the globe.
Al Queda has not earned Iraq and we don't have to hand it to them.