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The Optional Flat Tax
« on: July 19, 2007, 02:09:47 AM »
The Optional Flat Tax
Sam Brownback

People often laugh when I say on the campaign trail that the tax code should be taken behind the barn and killed with a dull axe. In fact, one man in Iowa was so excited by this proposal that he presented me with an axe before I finished my remarks (fittingly, I was speaking in a barn).

There's a reason people welcome my proposal to kill the tax code -- it's a monster of inscrutable complexity, and I say that as a former lawyer who took every tax law class I could.

Today's tax code -- which is sixteen times longer than the Bible -- is unpredictable, manipulative and hinders the economic growth that generates more prosperity for all Americans.

Past efforts at fundamental tax reform have hit a brick wall of political and institutional opposition. When you attack the tax code head -- on, you're taking on every lobbyist in Washington. Everyone agrees that we need tax reform, but every industry and interest group has its hard -- won and coveted part of the code.

That is why I propose an optional flat tax that would exist alongside the current code. This approach does not gore any of the tax code's sacred cows and it could actually be enacted into law. An optional flat tax would generate economic growth and be vastly more transparent, simple and family -- friendly than the current code.

The growing menace of the Alternative Minimum Tax has created a unique political environment for just this kind of reform. As the AMT snares more and more taxpayers -- taxpayers it was never intended to reach -- AMT reform has become a pressing issue for members of Congress who, in past years, have been supportive of a tax previously limited to high -- income earners. An optional flat tax offers a realistic solution to the need for AMT reform, as it would effectively serve as an alternative maximum tax.

Here's how the optional flat tax would work. If you prefer filing your income taxes under the current system -- for whatever reason -- then you could continue to do so. Or, you could file your taxes under the optional flat tax.

To account for the complicated credits and deductions in the current system, the optional flat tax would offer a generous personal income inclusion indexed for inflation. For individual tax filers, their first $20,000 of income would be excluded from taxation. For joint, married tax filers, their first $40,000 of income would be excluded.
Looking at the work of many tax experts, I expect the optional flat tax rate would be in the range of 15 to 20 percent.

The flat tax would partially pay for itself by boosting GDP growth.

But we can achieve further savings by combining fundamental tax reform with fundamental spending reform.

Today's system is built to spend: just ask any member of Congress who has suggested cutting a program and earned the wrath of interest groups and colleagues who have something at stake, regardless of the merit or effectiveness of that program.

I propose creating an independent commission that would review all federal programs for effectiveness, waste, relevance to their original purpose and redundancy with other programs. This commission would present Congress with a list of programs to reduce or eliminate, and Congress would get one up -- or -- down vote, without amendment, to adopt or reject the commission's recommendations.

The beauty of this approach is that it sidesteps the political forces that have stymied even the most incremental reductions in federal spending. A similar approach, known as the Base Realignment and Closure Commission, has helped the Pentagon save tens of billions of dollars by closing military bases.

Coupled with spending reform, the optional flat tax is politically viable and economically sound.

The low rate and simplicity of the new system would be attractive enough that today's income tax structure would become nearly obsolete. We have seen this in Hong Kong, which has two tax systems, but where almost everyone opts for the flat tax system.

Also looking abroad, I'd note that of the sixteen jurisdictions that have gone to a flat tax, none have returned to their previous systems. A 2004 analysis of eleven countries with a flat tax found that nine of the eleven outperformed the average GDP growth rate in major industrial countries.

This proposal will do more than protect and ensure a strong economy.

The optional flat tax offers the path to remain competitive in an increasingly flat world where capital moves to the most favorable climate. It provides more freedom, growth and a new way forward for America's economy.

Universe Prince

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Re: The Optional Flat Tax
« Reply #1 on: July 19, 2007, 12:31:50 PM »
I prefer Ron Paul's plan. Eliminate the I.R.S. and the income tax, and cut spending and the size of the government.
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Re: The Optional Flat Tax
« Reply #2 on: July 19, 2007, 12:46:55 PM »
I prefer Ron Paul's plan. Eliminate the I.R.S. and the income tax, and cut spending and the size of the government.
This will happen right after the law of gravity is repealed. Reagan's plan was to starve the government. In eight years, it grew, and the debt reached record proportions. Then Juniorbush was selected, and promised the same. Obeserve that the same thing is happening. Paul has zero chance of being elected. The Flat Tax is not going to happen.

It is an idea whose time will never come.

Might as well support the Equal Rights Amendment. At least it would be fair and not stupid.
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Re: The Optional Flat Tax
« Reply #3 on: July 20, 2007, 12:31:23 PM »
I concur (miraculously!) with XO, the flat rate tax will NEVER passs as there are too many special interests opposed to this.

How aobut a VAT instead? Again, it will NEVER passs as there are too many special interests opposed to this, but what about it anyway?
"Liberalism is a philosophy of consolation for western civilization as it commits suicide."
                                 -- Jerry Pournelle, Ph.D

Universe Prince

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Re: The Optional Flat Tax
« Reply #4 on: July 20, 2007, 01:22:10 PM »

Paul has zero chance of being elected.

You underestimate him and his campaign. Chances are good he will not get the Republican nomination, but once upon a time Barry Goldwater had no chance either. Of course, Goldwater was not elected, but I can name other candidates for President who had no chance. A certain man from Hope, Arkansas, for example.

I was taught, when I was younger, that the Republican Party was the party of small government. And near as I can tell, Ron Paul is the only candidate running today who still holds to that. So frankly, I think he's the only one worthy of the Republican nomination. He is certainly the only candidate amongst the Republican and Democratic candidates who deserves my vote.
Your reality, sir, is lies and balderdash and I'm delighted to say that I have no grasp of it whatsoever.
--Hieronymus Karl Frederick Baron von Munchausen ("The Adventures of Baron Munchausen" [1988])--


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Re: The Optional Flat Tax
« Reply #5 on: July 20, 2007, 03:31:19 PM »
I was taught, when I was younger, that the Republican Party was the party of small government. And near as I can tell, Ron Paul is the only candidate running today who still holds to that. So frankly, I think he's the only one worthy of the Republican nomination.

I don't think that any Republican president has actually believed in small government and acted accordingly since Herbert Hoover.
Perhaps Goldwater said he did, as did Alf Landon. Goldwater would have probably shrunk the government, unlike Reagan, who was just an amiable doddering old actor who read from scripts and did as he was told by the oligarchy, which didn't want small government and still doesn't. The government grew under Reagan and the debt hit an all-time high during his terms, which went down during Clinton's terms.

Perhaps you are right, Paul is the only true old-fashioned Republican running. But he won't get the nomination, and if he did, he could not win. I doubt that more than 20% of the people actually want to shrink the government as much as Paul would have to shrink it without the IRS.

The ERA is a great idea too, but like small government, its time has passed.
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Re: The Optional Flat Tax
« Reply #6 on: July 21, 2007, 01:24:06 PM »
Yet another example of why Florida is no longer a "Southern" state and has been invaded by Northern thinking carpetbaggers.

At least, it still has the more rural counties who have not lost touch with reality.
"Liberalism is a philosophy of consolation for western civilization as it commits suicide."
                                 -- Jerry Pournelle, Ph.D