It's more wingnut welfare. I'm sure many rightie bloggers will happily suck on the government teat.
Lanmya, I have noticed, in the past few months, you are gettimg more and more brusque and negative.
Worry not.
The time to worry is to watch L or anybody witness the increasingly exposed corruption of arguably the most corrupt administration in our nation's history and see that her emotional reactions are incongruent with that which is at hand.
If you want to worry (or employ "worry" as an opening gambit to controlling others), you might direct your attention to those who know all about the corruption and instead queue up to celebrate it, as say in celebrating he who became corporate corruption personified--Abramoff; the worry then would appropriately be associated with two maladies: narcissism and sociopathology.
My guess is that the real (the preneocon) Jesus would agree with me here.
Certainly he realizes as do most sane people that being happy happy while Rome burns is far from appropriately fulfilling anybody's karma.
I might add the Buddhists would agree, since they define sanity as veering and deviating from 'living in the now.' To them, to engage in past and future thinking leads to a dark muddlement, where dark angel--to both them and some psychologists agree--are born.
I imagine any religion worth its salt recognizes that "spin" is no white angel.
Best to be in the real, in the here and now, without spin, especially when the landscape is filled with oh so many pied pipers.